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[Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 16:55
by GODzilla
I've yet to encounter an ENB config (tested some based on 0113) which does not show the end of the skybox. It looks like this: ... nuk8sv.jpg

When you get closer and you're still on an elevated position, it get's even worse: ... onsuik.jpg

The vanilla game is somehow able to conceal it: ... vkw7vb.jpg

Of course I will never go back to vanilla, not even because of this, but I wonder if there is any way to get rid of the visible skybox end.

Maybe in a future ENB version for Skyrim? That would be really appreciated. :)

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 20:21
by ENBSeries
Skybox is not a box, it's hemisphere, what you see below horizon line is clear color of background and this color is not hdr, that's why after modifying sky it is not affected. Guess better instead of clearing screen to draw hdr scaled full screen quad, but i don't know how to choose intensity of it, which multiplier from [SKY] category may work correctly without hard edges.

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 20:28
by GODzilla
Ehrm...okay I don't know what that means. I'm sorry, I guess language gets in the way, plus I'm not familiar with the technical terms. ;)

Anyway...if you can find a way to solve or work around the problem I'd really appreciate it. So would all the ENB users and modders I guess. If there's anything to test feel free to ask me. I'll do what I can. :)

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 21:35
by Bronze316
Thanks for the info Boris, as I've been trying to minimize the hard edges on the horizon for quite some time with my ENB config (the one that GODzilla is referring to). I've noticed that the hard edges worsen when distance fog is reduced. Might there be a solution that involves modifying the fog code, or adding a special fog layer just for the horizons maybe? I understand that this is not an easy solution, and I've tried just about every setting for "GradientHorizonIntensity" and "GradientHorizonCurve".

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 22:01
by GODzilla
This might be helpful, or at least a start, concerning the whole "cover it with fog" idea:


change this...

Code: Select all

...into this:

Code: Select all

The change:



Unfortunately it does not cover the far horizon, behind the mountains. I already checked. Haven't experimented with a higher value though, might give it a shot. Like I said...a possible start.

PS: On a side not, this fog covers up the flickering mountainside that had me plaguing my eyes for hours and hours, evertime I stepped out of Whiterun and looked north.

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 00:26
by Bronze316

Those settings are very useful for the flickering mountains, and is similar to the potential solution that I asked Boris to look into. I will definitely make a note of these settings and do some more tests. Thanks for finding this!

It would be better if we could get the horizon covered up with the standard fog type and not have to use high amounts of volumetric fog, which may cause FPS loss, and still not solve the problem entirely.

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 22 Jun 2012, 08:15
by GODzilla
Everytime you think it can't be worse... ... y8qi3f.jpg

It's a vanilla-bug, but the vanilla game covers it up just fine.

(BTW. the strange lighting comes from the current weather, there is fog, so it's normal)

Any news on a potential cure for this horizon-problem?

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 23 Jun 2012, 09:39
by ENBSeries
Bug is simple for fixing, just wait.

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 23 Jun 2012, 11:16
by GODzilla
ENBSeries wrote:Bug is simple for fixing, just wait., this is great news! :) Thanks in advance.

Re: [Skyrim] Visible end of skybox

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 22:53
by ENBSeries
Unfortunately, i tried to fix that without any luck. Problem is in original game and as always i forgot to look at vanilla first, spend several hours trying to find bugs. Anyway, water color fading to fog and background clear color are different in game and i can't touch this without adding more problems. Solution to this could be not simple, for example to fade everything manually is not performance free and still not work for some water as it's buggy with holes near by it even at big distance from camera far clip plane.