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Skyrim SE Sun Position

Posted: 18 Jun 2024, 01:40
by shwub
I'd like to use the "More Plausible South Side Sun" mod that changes fSunYExtreme from 40 to -200. Unfortunately this seems to disable ENBs VolumetricRays and SunRays. I followed this post through, and it seems like there was an update to allow this type of change? viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5587

I'm curious if something has changed that no longer allows this. The game looks bad during mid-day when the sun is positioned straight above and this mod helps alleviate that.

Re: Skyrim SE Sun Position

Posted: 18 Jun 2024, 07:55
by ENBSeries
Sun path is important things for enbseries, which broke a lot of things, if modified. So there is no solution.