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ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 09 Jul 2024, 19:24
by hughjanus
Hey all,

I am currently trying to set up an ENB for my next Enderal playthrough.
Just as I was trying to set up the interior settings (for indoors), I saw that windows would become brighter when increasing ComplexParticleLights to make fire more present.
Is there a way around this? I dont want windows to be light at all at night, when indoors.
I just cant seem to figure out a workaround, since neither ComplexFireLights, nor Fire does anything about the surroundings being lit up by torch or candles. Only ComplexParticleLights can tackle this one.

Halp D:

Best regards,

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 07:13
by ENBSeries
Most likely you have mod which set lighting for windows via complex particle system, because windows normally reacts only on windowlight category.

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 12:57
by hughjanus
Thanks for the quick reply.
As far as I know, I only have texture mods touching windows, nothing else.
Would you be so kind to make an educated guess on my plugin list?

*Less Arcane Fever.esl
*Enderal SE - Gameplay Overhaul.esp
*Enderal SE - Gameplay Overhaul Deutsch.esp
*Embers XD.esp
*ENB Light.esp
*Skyrim Remastered - Ice Caves Fix.esp
*Enderal Quality Restoration.esp
*aMidianBorn_Buildings Landscapes.esp
*Skyrim Remastered - Glaciers and Ice.esp
*Particle Patch for ENB.esp
*EGO SE - KataPUMB New Affinities (Deutsch).esp
*Enderal Tools.esp
*Enderal SE - Bug Fixes Deutsch.esp
*Heart Breaker SE.esp
*VioLens SE.esp
*Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
*Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim (SPID).esp
*Enderal SE - FEC.esp
*Ore Vein Texture Fix_EnderalSE.esp
*Bears of the North.esp
*Enemies can't block while exhausted.esp
*Enderal SE - Diverse Weathers.esp
*Diverse Weather - True Storms.esp
*Enderal SE - Diverse Weathers (Deutsch).esp
*EGO SE - Bears of the North.esp
*Enderal SE - NPC Pathing Fixes (Sun Coast).esp
*Enderal SE - NPC Pathing Fixes (Heartland).esp
*Enderal SE - Simple Wearable Lanterns.esp
*dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
*dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp
*Enderal SE - NPC Pathing Fixes (Whisperwood).esp
*Old Tunnel Pathing Fix (Deutsch).esp
*Subversive Literature.esp

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 14:25
by mindflux
Do you mean the windows itself or perhaps a fake light placed in front of it? A screenshot would be good.

Nothing really grabs my attention from your mod list but you mentioned Enderal; does the issue only happen with Enderal?

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 14:52
by hughjanus
I only installed Skyrim for Enderal. Have not played it in years, so I cant say if it works there or not.
It surely looks like a light source placed in front of the window.
Is there a way I can upload pictures here / attach them to a post?

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 14:59
by mindflux
You can upload the screenhot to something like imgur, grab the .jpg link for it and then use the [ img ] tag to embed it.

But based on what you're saying it's more than likely that what you have there is a fake light (a glow, really) placed in front of the windows.

There is no way to control these separately from the rest of the particle lights but Particle Patch will give you a choice in the installer (the "White Glow" section) to remove them altogether.

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 16:29
by hughjanus
Thank you, the particle patch option fixed it!

Having someone savvy here, I dare to ask another question: my torches seem to shine a light onto objects about their height and higher, but never below (the ground is never lit by torches).
Is there any way to change that?

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 16:35
by hughjanus
A second one as well: I cant seem to get DOF to work. I downloaded MartyMcFlys DOF from nexus and I get all the options in the ENB configurator (like near and far curve), but they dont seem to do anything.
Also, when I click "Apply effects" in the configurator, the "mode" gets switched from MartyMcFly to Vanilla. Is there some setting missing somewhere, perhaps?

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 16:47
by mindflux
Great to hear that did the trick.

By light from the torch I assume you mean the particle light? Because the omnidirectional light from the vanilla torch will light everything around up until its radius

For a torch particle light that makes a clearly defined spot of light at the ground you would need to use a torch mod that adds such a thing, like ENB Light or Embers XD.

As for the dof effect, hard to suggest anything but try having something pretty close in the camera in the middle of the screen and then tweak something like enable/disable manual focus to check whether the dof shader is working at all.

Before applying the effects you need to first save, and the apply.

EDIT: For the dof shader, this might also be helpful:

Re: ComplexParticleLights govern Windows and Fire indoors

Posted: 10 Jul 2024, 17:32
by hughjanus
Thank you, again. I was using Embers XD and ENB Light both, but did not use the Torch option in neither. This fixed my Torch problem.
Concerning the DOF, I dont think the shader does anything. I do have a DOF effect (a slight one) when looking at an object, but it does not change whenever I adjust any of the ENB DOF settings.
I suppose Skyrim SE has DOF (I cannot disable it via the Enderal Launcher, though). Could it be that ENB deactivates its own DOF, if the game DOF is active? If so, I probably have to edit my ini file by hand (instead of via the game launcher).