Crashes just after load screen

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Crashes just after load screen

Does this mod work ?
The instructions are not clear and make me edit values that don't exist.
Is this intended for players that are looking to improve their game or only for advanced moders ?

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Crashes just after load screen

If it crash, then you are advanced enough to install software like Afterburn, EVGA, D3D Overider, etc, which can't be named as soft for noobs, why to ask then like you do?
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: Crashes just after load screen

I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm not using any of these apps.
I don't see how my skills are involved in the game crashing !?
What's your point ?

Game menu shows but when I load a saved game, it quits immediately.

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Re: Crashes just after load screen

are you using any other mods?
90% of the time a saved game crashes is because of conflicting mods
I recommend, if you are using mods, to download boss, and give it a run
it will automatically set load orders for best compatibility, deactive conflicting mods, and display useful notes in the log related to specific mods

also try verifying game cache (this will also update your skyrimprefs.ini, so be sure to go back in and bFloatPointRenderTarget=1

I've never had a crash that was enb related, unless you accidentally messed with the ini in a bad way, in which case verify the cache would fix that

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Crashes just after load screen

Use the injector version.


Re: Crashes just after load screen

This was the 1st mod I installed. Since I couldn't play I tried uninstalling which wasn't enough so I had to reinstall the game.

Just retried with injector system and it works !
Thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated.

Unfortunately there's a performance hit... Trying to figure out how to recover some fps, any tips ?

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Crashes just after load screen

Toggle on/off effects in enbseries.ini file and in game reload config by Backspace key. Measure fps ("num *" key display fps in the mod) and what are slowest, tweak by quality. SSAO and Sky lighting now the slowest effects, both greatly depends from screen resolution and first from SizeScale parameter of it, second effect will have additional tweaking soon too, but now better to setup it to lower quality.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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