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Injector not working (Skyrim)

Posted: 22 Dec 2012, 04:21
by Opi
Hi, I am trying to get the ENB mod to work. I double checked to see that I have all the ENB mod files in the correct folder (Common/Skyrim) and I do. I have also double checked to see that the 4 lines are set to true/1 in the SkyrimPrefs.ini in mygames folder and they are. I have the most up to date drivers. I have the following in the ENBInjector.cfg file:

And I am following the right procedure to use the injector. I Start the injector and hide to tray and then I start the game using SKSE shortcut on my desktop. Obviously I use the SKSE Plugin. But I have also tried removing "skse_loader.exe" from the ENBinjector.cfg and starting the game using the original tesv.exe but still doesn't work. What I mean by doesn't work is that it doesn't display the text on the upper-left hand corner of the main menu when I start the game. I am not experiencing crash to desktops or anything like that, it just seems the injector is not working.

I have tried using the wrapper version as well but that just makes me crash to desktop about 2 seconds after I get into the main menu of the game. But, when I use the wrapper version the text saying the ENB is activated does appear on the upper-left hand corner, but unfortunately it crashes a second after it appears.

Can anybody help me out? Also does anybody know why exactly the wrapper version causes CTDs?

Also my PC specs:
i5 2500k OC @ 4.5GHz
AMD 7970R
8gb G.Skill
HD Titanium Sound Card

Much thanks to anyone who can help a brother out.

Re: Injector not working (Skyrim)

Posted: 22 Dec 2012, 07:24
by ENBSeries
Don't know how properly configure for SKSE, may be somebody else will say something, but crashes with wrapper are because of other software which capture videos, overclock videocard, monitor gpu usage and any other which hooking in the game process.

Re: Injector not working (Skyrim)

Posted: 22 Dec 2012, 22:20
by Opi
Ok some good news. Thanks to your info about what interferes with the wrapper version I got the wrapper version working! HWINFO64 is what was causing it to crash.

But of course I would rather leave HWINFO64 on with OSD of temps and usage. So if anybody knows how to work the injector version I would really appreciate it.

But thanks anyways dude, know I can play with ENB in the meantime.

Re: Injector not working (Skyrim)

Posted: 26 Dec 2012, 17:42
by CosmicBlue
SKSE working fine with ENB, no need to add it to ENBinjector.ini.
Just launch skse_loader.exe to start Skyrim. It will launch tesv.exe, which will then be recognized by ENBinjector.