enb v0236 with 0103 injector

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enb v0236 with 0103 injector

Hello, I always got enb to run fine, but I changed to ATI card last week, and I've been trying to run enb 0236, and 0119, and searching around I got to know that the injector 0104 doesn't work with ati, but the 0103 does, so I did put the enb 0236 on the skyrim folder, then the preset I wanted to use, and I just downloaded the injector v0103, and replaced only the enbinjector.exe, now the enb works fine with my skyrim, my question is: does this cause any bug, or would load graphics irregularly, or something with newer enbs ?
Thanks in advance.

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Re: enb v0236 with 0103 injector

Injector do not depends from hardware and all versions compatible with all mods, which have injector version of course.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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