What's the best drivers?/Какие драйвера лучше?

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What's the best drivers?/Какие драйвера лучше?

Здесь предлагаю писать какие версии драйверов наименее глючные и для каких карт рекомендуются :ugeek:

What's the best drivers?

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Re: What's the best drivers?/Какие драйвера лучше?

For now? Depends on your graphic card.
Catalyst 12.7 BETA shall perform 25% faster with Skyrim - but I think, its HD7xxx only, but not sure.
Anyway, I have an HD6850 here and I'm using it. Seems quiete stable to me, but I can't say, if there is really any improvment in performance.
Otherwise, if you want to be on the safe side, use Catalyst 12.6, it's the latest WDM certified driver.
But if you beleave in conspiracy, you might think, that AMD (but NVidia too) slows down older card via driver when they release a new card, so you want to buy a new card. In that case, you should use the last driver before that new card was released.

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Re: What's the best drivers?/Какие драйвера лучше?

Even WDM certified has many errors (at least Boris sad that), so I don't need performance, I wonna driver whith errors as little, as possible or without them! :geek:

P.S I've 6970 2Gb 1000Mhz/ and Skyrim flying! 8-)

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Re: What's the best drivers?/Какие драйвера лучше?

Right, even the WDM has errors. But as far as I can say, the latest WDM is always the one with the fewest errors.
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