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Posted: 25 May 2014, 20:50
by CyberPunked
I think this game would be awesome with your ENB. Although the game looks okay already, the midday lighting looks a bit rubbish.

Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 26 May 2014, 16:53
by Insomnia
If I'm not mistaken then Watch Dogs is built on the same engine as AC4 Black Flag, which is built around dx10 at lowest. ENB only supports dx9.
But... I'm hoping Boris will start to code some dx10 and dx11 stuff. ^^

Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 26 May 2014, 20:32
by AgainstAllAutority
Unfortunatly game have all it's data compressed into archives, wich makes any kind of content modding quite hard IMHO. Skyrim, stalker support external game files replacement (like gamedata folders, where users can add their content) and so far there's no info about those features for WD, that makes even ENB mod less profitable IMHO.
However stock adaptation and AO in WD looks rly awfull.

Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 27 May 2014, 05:44
by tapioks
I am very much enjoying the game 'out of the box'. Surprisingly I am able to run at a rock solid vsynced 30FPS at 1900x1080 with Ultra settings, HBAO+ High, Temporal SMAA and ultra texture size on my ASUS 750JH laptop (with GTX780M). If I drop to 1600x900 I can vsync at 50FPS, though it dips occasionally and my GPU starts getting hot (i.e. 75C+). Anyway, this game helps me imagine what GTAV may look like when it (hopefully) arrives on PC :P

I don't think the HBAO or adaptation of the game look bad at all. The ambient occlusion is not the same as Boris's approach at all, but it looks and behaves quite nicely. The adaptation could be improved, but its certainly serviceable.

Watch Dogs is also rather fun, and it feels like a well crafted game in general (though not sure if this is true from Boris' technical perspective). For what it's worth, it makes good use of all 4 cores (8 threads) of my CPU, unlike any other game I have played...

Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 28 May 2014, 01:03
by icelaglace
WD isn't half bad, you still can mod the game and quite easily in terms of shaders which is cool. Cool GI technique similar to what we have on GTAIV.

The bloom is horrible though, same for the godrays...

HBAO+ is kind of okay, it's not the best for sure though.
HBAO+ = ... rison.html

Gameplay wise it's where it kills me, the driving is horrible, gunfights feels too soft but the hacking is nice though.
The AI is kind of retarded most of the time though and the city feels empty but the assets are well done.

But good game nonetheless, didn't except more than this.

And IMO, it doesn't requires any ENB except for color, which you can do with SweetFX or by yourself in the .dat

Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 28 May 2014, 06:42
by ENBSeries
I'm not interested in modding of this by several reasons. First, i do not have tools for x64 development and never did anything for that. Second, mod must be entirely rewritten from scratch for x64. Third, i hate to work in win7, it makes me mad in few minutes and i want to break something.

Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 28 May 2014, 13:44
by Tearz
Hi guys,

Do you know if it would be achievable to make something to tweak the bloom in the game? Which is terrible in vanilla...

I tried to do something with sweetfx but it's not doing the right effect, since the light does not "bleed" onto the other parts of the image.

Don't know if it's clear but anyway if someone knows how to do that it'll be awesome! I was looking up to enb but since it's not DX11 friendly :/


--> Here is the result i would like to achieve below, i made the glow editing my screenshot with after effects.



Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 28 May 2014, 17:05
by Insomnia
Tearz ... king-guide

Edit: I'm quite impressed that I can have ultra settings on almost Everything with my low-mid pc.
I would love to fiddle around with ENB SSAO, car reflections, bloom and post processes cuz honestly It looks a bit "flat".

Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 28 May 2014, 20:11
by electricsheep26354
I really like this game so far, looks very cool and plays well on the whole ;)

Started a screenshot thread in the General Gallery section if anyone is interested..

Re: Watch_Dogs

Posted: 29 May 2014, 01:10
by Dork
Tearz, use The boulotaur sweetFX that K-Putt uses for gausian blur, it's got a bloom that bleeds over edges, looks okay.