Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

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Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

Trying to use the ENB Series on TERA, it says its beeing loaded (in the upper left corner) but I dont see any changes inside the game.
Maybe the DoF just doesnt work.

Could anyone try to hook into it?

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Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

I thought TERA has a very high quality graphics itself :shock: You, sir, are enormously demanding. :o
(and it is a MMO game! aren't there any possibilities of getting banned because of hooking game process?)
ENB hater


Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

I would also like to try this.

Did you use the Mass Effect 3 one? I also, can't see any difference in game, though the FPS counter works.

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Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

I have a plans for TERA game, but have no time now, so better wait. It can be changed similar to difference of Skyrim.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

Glad to hear it, that's very exciting!

I'm a huge fan of Skyrim and just love playing with ENB. Now that I've been playing with ENB for a while, I just can't even imagine playing Skyrim without it.

I'm looking forward to testing out ENB when it's ready for Tera! :D

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Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

I tried using ENB from RE4 and it's too dark, while NBA08's ENB is too blurry it's something to do with DOF thing i think, i dunno how to tinker with *.ini and effect.txt files so I guess i'll just have to wait for the settings from you guys :(

so as of now I'm just using SweetFX
hoping to use both in the near future :D

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Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

I almost made a new topic! thank goodness I didn't. Are there still plans for Enbseries TERA? :D

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Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

No, many users suggested me to ignore mmo games entirely as players do not care about graphics at all, it's different class of gamers.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

I want to bring this topic up again, since I have some arguments.
No, many users suggested me to ignore mmo games entirely as players do not care about graphics at all, it's different class of gamers.
I bet that a lot of users who said that, are not playing TERA or similar MMOs and just wanted Skyrim, GTA etc. to get faster updates.
A lot of TERA players (pretty much everybody who heard of it) are using SweetFX for their TERA to enhance the graphics (all the ppl I have in my friend list and it's every couple weeks a topic on reddit, the game forums or in the global chat), because there's nothing else. There's a guide how to force SSAO on too, that tons of ppl are using. Besides, I disagree that MMO players have a lower requirement at graphics. People are picking TERA because of the graphic and animation quality that are in the game and are the key to make the combat system so enjoyable. People are trying to improve the game in every kind of possible way, somebody even fixed the NVIDIA 3D Vision problems to a great extend. And quite frankly, TERA looked better at release than Skyrim (since I use tons of mods for it) a couple years after.

TERA has a performance problem which has less to do with how much power a system has. Apparently the game is coded in a weird way. Bad systems can have a good experience and good systems a bad experience. Changing the ingame graphics affects the FPS almost not at all (10%-40% improvements from max to min, changing resolution gives no FPS improvements). The usage of Flash/Scaleform seems to be a big problem in the game (you can use UI lag to skip dungeon parts) and the game relies rather on CPU power than GPU power. But SweetFX costs zero performance. With which I wanna say that an ENB would just make things better.

A basic ENB for TERA would be very nice and appreciated by a ton of players (TERA has screenarchers too, there's just no real platform besides of reddit or game forums). Since the game is now free to play since january it's easier to get than ever (and free to play brought a lot of new players, new ppl coming every day with the tons of updates in the last months. The game is growing further). So please, Boris, overthink your decision about TERA. Thank you.

Btw. Here are some screens i took here and there: http://imgur.com/a/OrQjv

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Re: Unreal Engine 3 / TERA

sorry for the huge necro here, but yes indeed, a basic enbseries would be awesome, tera doesnt have all that fancy graphics compared to todays standards, and the demand for enbseries is huge these days, my whole guild is using sweetfx but wants "the effects that makes skyrim look so good"... enbseries in other words... and ESO going b2p will increase the demand for that game hugely too, but that is a whole other story for another day, i know lots of users that would more than enjoy enbseries for MMO's... i for one am trying every version there is to get some compatibility with tera... i gave up on ESO already... good game, shit graphics.
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