Help With ENB Config

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Help With ENB Config

Firstly, is there some place with an ENB guide for settings? Granted, I know nothing about shading, but I've seen a number of behaviors that seem odd and was curious if there is a document with nice descriptions and/or screenshot examples of each setting.

That said... here are some things I've run into that I had some questions on:

1. All of the Fog settings under [ENVIRONMENT] do not seem to be fog at all, but distance haze; whereas Fog is actually [VOLUMETRICFOG]; is this correct or only partially?
2. SpecularAmount seems to work as one would guess (multiplying the specular values from the texture), but SpecularPower doesn't; at >1.0, power seems to diminish the specularity, but 1 -> 0, it increases it albeit not with the specular values but with plain white, so it gradually becomes dull; how do you achieve the effect that areas of specular that reflect bright lights like the sun will oversaturate?
3. Is the default sunsprite a troll for a reason?
4. AO seems to work pretty well, but IL seems pretty clunky and causes a lot of graininess and only works within the AO area instead of illuminating like you would expect a Point or Direct light would do to local ambient. Are the default settings just not setup for that, or is this a WIP feature?
5. [WINDOWLIGHT] seems to not be light, but instead glow; is there a way to make windows actually produce light?
6. [VOLUMETRICFOG] does not seem to shade at all with the amount of light in the area and is simply set to intensity you set in the config, am I missing something?
7. [COMPLEXFIRELIGHTS] and [COMPLEXPARTICLELIGHTS] seem to have a maximum radius at DistanceFade=0.01; this is really small if I am trying to set all existing Point lights to 0 and replace them with ENB lights. Otherwise, is there a way to have specific values per light source name for Point lights?
8. The ENB Particle Patch from here seems to cause Cobwebs and Animated Water textures to glow in the dark, is there any way to get them to shade properly like other textures?
9. The [REFLECTION] section seems to only affect the screen-space reflections on water, is this correct? Or does this also include path-traced indirect lighting?
10. Is there a way to get snow to be sparkly in light reflection as it is in real-life or does this require a texture with special use of specular and funky normal values?
11. How do [SKYLIGHTING] and [IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING] work? Are they related or something?

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Re: Help With ENB Config

There is a "step guide" but it have some mistakes and incomplete.

1) It is fog, as any fog in 99.9% games for several decades.
2) specular power and specular amount are generic effects for graphics for decades, search how it works to understand what power is.
3) default sprite is default, so there are no textures or useful code, same as all other shaders, there is no preset.
4) ao/il do work with much bigger range than almost any game on the market and there is no way to make non glitchy effect like you describing without using raytracing or other algorithms which definetly not screen space, so you asking too much from very simple effect.
5) It is not glow. It is light from windows, at day time there is no light, in the night windows start to be self illuminated. There is no lighting from them.
6) It's how game volumetric fog is made, again you ask too much from it.
7) if you want bigger particle light range, then create big particles. And performance will be very low. There is no way to make parameters per light source, how you imagine editing them for entire game? Use creation kit for this.
8) I'm not author of particle patch, so can't answer.
9) reflection is screen space reflection which applied not just to water in skyrim SE. There is no path traced indirect lighting.
10) don't know about snow, but definetly not with enbseries, search for mods on nexus or ask in discord.
11) skylighting and image based lighting have nothing in common, thats why they are different effects. Skylighting is big range ambient occlusion, image based lighting is what you can find in google, generic effect.
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Re: Help With ENB Config

Can't remember anymore whether there was an issue with cobwebs but I'll check.

Not sure what is "animated water texture" but most foam and things like that you can adjust with [PARTICLE] settings, either directly or by using the lighting/ambient influence parameters.

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Re: Help With ENB Config

Thanks for the quick replies.

On #2, are you certain it's working with the numbers like it should?
I read this:

It indicates that having a high power should cause a sharp edge to the specular, but when I apply a high number in enb, it becomes far duller than at 1.0.
On the other hand, if I set it to 0.2 it becomes far sharper (like shown at that site for high values), but it loses it's specular color and just goes white (unlike the examples).

I'll get some screenshots when I'm off work.

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Re: Help With ENB Config

Specular works exactly as it should, parameters not inverted.
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Re: Help With ENB Config

Okay, I guess I'll just keep fiddling to see what I'm doing wrong then.

Another question: will complex lights ever have geometry occlusion, or can you even you do that with a wrapper?

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Re: Help With ENB Config

Impossible, this need not available data.
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Re: Help With ENB Config

Is there a way to modify some of the Reshade .fx files to be able to work in ENB?
ENB is game-specific, so it starts from a fresher canvas (like being able to AO before applying fog), so ENB is superior for rendering, but Reshade has a mountain of ready-made effects, so it'd be nice to be able to pull some in.

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Re: Help With ENB Config

Yes, possible. But if you ask this, then no, you don't have skills.
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Re: Help With ENB Config

Hah. Sorry, I sound like a jerk but then again I am probably one.
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