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possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 18:39
by ninjutsu3D
Hi Boris,
I have a question for you.
Would it be possible to make the grass and other plants that aren't able to receive light from torches receive it?
Before patch 1.5 of Skyrim it was working but they deactivated it.
Would the ubber ENB could add this effect back and make nights immersive again...?
Would it be hard to do, it's so immersion breaking to be able to light up rocks ground and trees with torches but grass and most plants not.
Thx let me know what you think!
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 19:08
by ENBSeries
This is possible, but i never noticed the issue, so never thought about it. Performance should not be low. I'll write in todo list, who knows.
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 19:17
by ninjutsu3D
Oh that's nice it is actually possible.
Cant wait to see that!
Msg me if you have question about the issue or need testing.
Thx a lot!
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 01:13
by ninjutsu3D
So is it still something doable?
Like,..having the grass and plants at night able to receive the light from torches would be really nice.
Here are the reasons why I think a fix to this vanilla problem would be good:
First it's really immersion breaking to see the ground receive your torch light but not the grass (or almost every plants)
Two, if you have a mod for bigger grass, since it ''hide'' most of the ground under it, then all you see is black, since it's not lighted.
Kind of hard to know where you going and just remove all the fun of realistic night with a torche...
Let me know what you think!
Thank you.
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 02:50
by --JawZ--
Actually it's not entirely black it has the RGB color tint from the Ambient setting from the weathers last time I checked. And when there is no Light Bulb/Pointlight cast on the grass it looks like it should do based on the Ambient and Directional Ambient values assigned in the weathers.
But as you said currently it is immensely immersion breaking and frustrating for anyone who want's to have "realistic" dark nights or close to it. A fix to this would be appreciated by a lot of people I'm sure of it.
Also the grass that is affected is not hand placed but generated with the ground texture applied to ground.
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 06:59
by ENBSeries
I remember about the problem, but when tried to make grass lit, understood that performance will be very slow for various dense grass mods, grass shaders must be as short as possible, ecpecially with bruteforce rendering as it done in the game. The only one fast method left is deffered lighting at the end of rendering, but it applied to all objects, so their lighting will be twice more intense and grass only once. Transparent grass will not work in this case. In vertex shaders i can't lit, grass have bottleneck by verticles/triangles count, texture as light is step in bottlenech of pixel shaders. As an option for top hardware only with intel cpu...
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 00:52
by ninjutsu3D
Damn so I guess there is nothing to do.
JawZ you're right, it's the grass that's auto generated.
Boris, so what you say is you could implement this as an option in ENB for powerful pc's right?
Is it hard to implement and around what % in performance drop do you think we could expect?
If it's too heavy no one will use it so need to waste time coding it.
Also is there other way to ''fake'' the effect. What I mean is instead of implementing a really realistic lighting of the grass maybe a cheaper less realistic one would be better then nothing?
Just trying to brainstorm a bit here.
In any case thank you!
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 06:30
by ENBSeries
Cheaper and incorrect computations of course one of possible solutions, but grass shader is very short and even simplest lighting (like range only without direction) will make shaders twice longer. Will see...
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 23:53
by ninjutsu3D
Will see..I like that answer.
If you manage that I think it would be a great achievement and you fix one of the biggest immersion problem with the game.
Good luck with that. Can't wait!!
Thank you.
Re: possible to light up grass with enb ?
Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 23:45
by CruNcher