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SSE Detailed Shadows [request and maybe a bug?]

Posted: 14 Aug 2019, 23:28
by coldharmonics

I really like the addition of detailed shadows to SSE ENB! But I don't see any "intensity" option for them, which is unfortunate, since for my preset, they are too dark. I'd like to request maybe adding that at some point.

I also notice no difference in quality settings for it, but performance is impacted, so I assume the difference is just subtle, but there may be some bug. [very high vs low example]

Thank you!

Re: SSE Detailed Shadows [request and maybe a bug?]

Posted: 15 Aug 2019, 02:14
by ENBSeries
Shadows can't be dark or bright, i'm so tired to explain this to some folks. Detailed shadows not any darker than regular game shadows.