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Can I move parameters from ENBBloom.fx to per-weather cfg?

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 08:55
by fadingsignal
I have an ENBBloom.fx file that has DNI for saturation, contrast, black/white level in and out. However, this applies to ALL day/night scenarios, regardless of weather, since it's part of the shader panel. I would like to control these input/output/contrast thresholds on a per-weather basis (for example, lower the bloom threshold during more humid/wet weathers so things look softer.)

In short, is it possible to move parameters that are defined in an FX file such as ENBBloom.fx / ENBBloom.ini into a per-weather config / UI? If so, how would I go about doing that?

Thank you! :)

Re: Can I move parameters from ENBBloom.fx to per-weather cf

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 10:50
by ENBSeries
There are no parameters per weather saved to ini files, the only way is to write them in shader code as array of constants and blend by weather variable.