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SSE complex particle light settings.

Posted: 03 Jul 2022, 21:46
by Soulmancer
Just curious if you can elaborate further on the difference between big range scale and distance fade? Increasing big range scale or decreasing distance fade seems to have a very similar effect in that it increases the light radius range. Are both similarly impactful on performance? Is increasing particle light intensity, increasing big range scale and increasing distance fade a reasonable method to maintain a nice visual effect with good performance while mitigating light and shadow clipping through objects?

In my quick test last night max big range scale and a high distance fade seemed to be more ideal vs low big range scale and low distance fade. Are there any other settings I should consider playing with?


Re: SSE complex particle light settings.

Posted: 05 Jul 2022, 00:08
by ENBSeries
All these do not have any connection to each other, totally different things. Code internally boost performance if all these factors are too low for certain pixel, but if reulst intensity is big enough (bright particle), performance only depends from range, which is size of light.
Increasing big range scale or decreasing distance fade seems to have a very similar effect in that it increases the light radius range.
Nope, result very different. The only common thing is that range (size) reduce fading because end of the particle must fade to zero.