[poll] Dark Souls modding

Dark Souls modding

Yes, it need mod.
Don't need the mod for it, graphics is good.
Game is bad and hard on consoles, nobody need it on pc.
Game is not popular, so no sense to develop mod.
Better to find another game for modding.
Total votes: 310
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Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

ENBSeries wrote:Svetomech
Почему вы пытаетесь мне что-то доказать и ведете себя как обычный русский, примеряя сказанное на себя? Если написать на сайте крупными буквами "гомики", то русские пеной изойдут показывая своих подружек в доказательство, а нормальные люди подумают ссылка и кликать не будут.
На "вы" я обращаюсь ко всем, кроме давних знакомых с которыми много общаюсь. Не устраивает - не мои проблемы.
А кто я по вашему? Я и есть обычный русский, я не полу-американец, я не супергерой и прочее...
Всмысле, "примеряя сказанное на себя"? Вы, кажется, ко мне обращались?
И ешкин кот, ничего я вам доказать не пытаюсь! Вы что, разучились переводить с русского на английский, коим вы кажется даже лучше владеете. Такое чувство, что вы и половину из мною сказанного не поняли(по крайне-мере, не поняли правильно).
P.S. А, я понял вашу стратегию. Вы специально мне мозг выносите, что бы доказать "I'm going in to mad state very fast after speaking with such russians (who are less then(кстати, ошибочка, правильно будет than) 30 years old)". Ладненько, окей, тему закрыли, беседа прекращена.


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

Don't...play this game with a mouse. It's literally the worst thing you can do.

It's like playing a Real Time Strategy game like Starcraft with a gamepad. It's just not gonna work.

It's not a game made for keyboard and mouse, there's a lot of control necessary of your character, at any moment. So you need a pad.


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

This is kind of silly. You've got 84% of people asking you to mod the game, and you decide not to? What was the purpose of the poll originally? Because the only purpose it's serving now is to show your disinterest in what your fans want.

I believe you've made a mistake posting a poll before you even know if it's a game that you will enjoy playing and/or modding.

The fact of the matter is that Dark Souls has a seriously hardcore following. It is not your traditional RPG. It is masochistic in nature. It's a challenge that hasn't been seen since the original Contra. It's about adapting and strategizing, or die. Now it's on PC for greater revenue and a larger consumer market. A portion of that PC market are your fans that want it to be better.

Play the game. As a matter of fact, play it until your eyes bleed. You will get frustrated. I did many many times the first time i beat Demon's Souls. It's a game that forces the player to evolve. That is the most beautiful part of the game. Comparing it to games that are mostly an interactive story with laughable difficulty is an error. It is different. The only way you can fully understand is to approach it with an open mind and play it. And persevere.

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Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

I was hardcore gamer from 1994 and know about good or bad games. I'll better set difficulty in some other game to maximal to feel the same, instead of playing one of the lowest quality game i ever seen. Even PS2 jrpg better in times by everything.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

So, no mod for Dark Souls? Kinda sad, but anyway, it's your time, your work and your decision. Though, the first thing I thought after I finished "make it playable" part of installation was "This game would be awesome with ENB!" =)
Still, would you please stop talking about Dark Souls this way? Well... for example, I hate Morrowind. And Fallout 2. Both are ugly and boring... for me =). But there are lots of people who think these are the best RPGs ever. So I simply avoid confrontation with "it's not my kind of fun" statement. I respect both games though I can't see what's all this fuss about. As you can see, many people are fascinated by Dark Souls. It's the game Namco Bandai sold about 1.5 millions copies worldwide. It's the game with all kind of positive reviews from critics and players both. It IS good. Maybe it's just not your kind of fun. And it's not a question of difficulty, graphics, controls or anything else.

And I also hate when Dark Souls fans talk about difficulty with oh so fiery eyes (like it's the first game they play after Fable 2). It is challenging but that's not the point. The secret is somewhere else. =)

The port is awful and unplayable without gamepad. =)
Но его можно доработать напильником.
Sorry for mistakes, (as you can see) English is not my native language.

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Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

I will not stop saying my opinion about Dark Souls and it's based on huge gamer experience, started playing games from ibm 386 sx, then famicom (dendy), sega, ps1, ps2, pc. Stopped counting finished till the end games in somewhere 1995-1996 when the list of games growed above 800 (in paper notebook). I saw everything and have the right more than other gamers to criticize any game. Most old games (~ before 2005) were much harder to play if compare to modern, each game feel much more attractive when it's hard (why do you think after cheating everybody loose interest to the game?). Dark Souls is just a bad reincarnation of old games with most annoying mistakes of the past, bad level design, usability, bugs, stupid combat system "slash and roll" and of course outstanding pc port and developers liars. Play Tomb Raider 3 on ps1 till the end without memory card as i did, then we will talk about hardcore experience of hard games. And don't forget to play mentioned before Blade Of Darkness, which is much better than Dark Souls.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

ENBSeries wrote:I will not stop saying my opinion about Dark Souls and it's based on huge gamer experience, started playing games from ibm 386 sx, then famicom (dendy), sega, ps1, ps2, pc. Stopped counting finished till the end games in somewhere 1995-1996 when the list of games growed above 800 (in paper notebook). I saw everything and have the right more than other gamers to criticize any game. Most old games (~ before 2005) were much harder to play if compare to modern, each game feel much more attractive when it's hard (why do you think after cheating everybody loose interest to the game?). Dark Souls is just a bad reincarnation of old games with most annoying mistakes of the past, bad level design, usability, bugs, stupid combat system "slash and roll" and of course outstanding pc port and developers liars. Play Tomb Raider 3 on ps1 till the end without memory card as i did, then we will talk about hardcore experience of hard games. And don't forget to play mentioned before Blade Of Darkness, which is much better than Dark Souls.
<3 you Boris, and I've played games since 386-- and I know what you're saying about experience.

BUT you haven't actually PLAYED Dark Souls, then you have NO experience WITH Dark Souls.
PLAY IT, then judge it, Boris!

I didn't think it looked fun / graphically impressive from videos, either. But after playing Dead Souls for 5 minutes, I bought it. $$$!

The game has:
1) No explanation/tutorial (you ARE in the world.)
2) IMMERSION. (no spoon-feeding game mechanics)
3) Great atmospheric lighting (lacking only maybe SSAO/IL)
4) Great art-- not texture resolution, but great "flow" and map design.


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

ENBSeries wrote:I will not stop saying my opinion about Dark Souls and it's based on huge gamer experience, started playing games from ibm 386 sx, then famicom (dendy), sega, ps1, ps2, pc. Stopped counting finished till the end games in somewhere 1995-1996 when the list of games growed above 800 (in paper notebook). I saw everything and have the right more than other gamers to criticize any game. Most old games (~ before 2005) were much harder to play if compare to modern, each game feel much more attractive when it's hard (why do you think after cheating everybody loose interest to the game?). Dark Souls is just a bad reincarnation of old games with most annoying mistakes of the past, bad level design, usability, bugs, stupid combat system "slash and roll" and of course outstanding pc port and developers liars. Play Tomb Raider 3 on ps1 till the end without memory card as i did, then we will talk about hardcore experience of hard games. And don't forget to play mentioned before Blade Of Darkness, which is much better than Dark Souls.
Yeah I've played Blade of Darkness and I've beaten Dark Souls, Dark Souls is a much more polished game. You can't get a proper synopsis of the game by playing it for a few minutes with keyboard and mouse, getting frustrated, tossing it down and calling it crap. Not saying that's what you did, since I'm not really sure how far you got.

But at least try the game up until you ring the first bell...with a controller.

If after you get that far, you still think the game is terrible and you would hate to mod it then, don't worry about it.

Just give it a decent chance, that's all we're asking.

Not even modding it so much, just try the game out up until that point.

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Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

I broke several keyboard keys in madness trying exit from it, what else should i do to make sure i hate it 100%?
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

Lol just play the game with a controller and get up to the Bell Tower and ring the bell. That's all I'm asking (:3=