[poll] Dark Souls modding

Dark Souls modding

Yes, it need mod.
Don't need the mod for it, graphics is good.
Game is bad and hard on consoles, nobody need it on pc.
Game is not popular, so no sense to develop mod.
Better to find another game for modding.
Total votes: 310
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Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

well by my point of view, it's not a bad game but :
a) it's overhyped
b) you can clearly see the devs cut corners
c)terrible port
d) controls are sluggish and needs gamepad. ( even on gamepad there is no turn camera left or right for me. only vertical ;( )

As for a graphics , a guy , Durante has fixed the 1024x720 cap so you can now force it wherever you want ( forced mine to 2560x1600 :) )
,thus making it possible to make better.

As for the hardship part: The devs probably heard of Demon's souls reception ,thwith various critics aknowledging and praising the game's difficulty , so they said "Lets get the fools dead since they like it so much".
Game isn't even hard. You ARE going to die often though because of control's slugginess+ bad camera + colision + random bugs.
around 80 % of my deaths are caused from those bugs...

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Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 02:33

Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

Guest wrote:well by my point of view, it's not a bad game but :
a) it's overhyped
b) you can clearly see the devs cut corners
c)terrible port
d) controls are sluggish and needs gamepad. ( even on gamepad there is no turn camera left or right for me. only vertical ;( )

As for a graphics , a guy , Durante has fixed the 1024x720 cap so you can now force it wherever you want ( forced mine to 2560x1600 :) )
,thus making it possible to make better.

As for the hardship part: The devs probably heard of Demon's souls reception ,thwith various critics aknowledging and praising the game's difficulty , so they said "Lets get the fools dead since they like it so much".
Game isn't even hard. You ARE going to die often though because of control's slugginess+ bad camera + colision + random bugs.
around 80 % of my deaths are caused from those bugs...
I've played the game over 200 Hours and I've never had any those problems. I've never died because of the controls, in fact it's the opposite.
The game is really responsive to inputs. It's like the game is always ready for any possible input, and takes care of it cleanly and efficiently.

Where did they cut corners?

- The game has 120+ Hours of solid content. Every area is really well-made with emphasis on quality in the design.
- The Enemies are extremely varied and unique. All weapons are well balanced. And the in game graphics are awesome.
- All parts of the character models move independently to simulate the complexity of the equipment structure.
- For Example: Try doing things on stairs such as blocking, and watch how the character's feet interact with the stairs.
- Or look how the pieces of heavy armor move compared to cloth or chainmail).
- All the weapon animations are unique and have accurate collision boxes based on the swing and motion...
- The sound direction is incredible. You can hear footsteps of approaching enemies, clanging of weapons against various surfaces, etc.
- For Example: Watch this vid from 7:20 on and just focus on the sounds and you'll see what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy__xdOfIAQ&t=7m20s
- It has a unique Online Mode, with big changes from Demon's Souls. Such as Covenant PVP battles, Covenant Ally Summoning, and the addition of the Arena to the PC version.
- Plus 20+ hours of brand new well crafted content specifically just for the PC version...

I mean I can go on forever...but explain to me. Exactly where did they cut corners? Because I personally don't see it.


I've only seen...1 bug in my entire time with the game. The bug wasn't on PC either, but when the game first came out on PS3.
Specifically, there was a bug where a Dragon would rarely randomly die for no reason. That bug was fixed within the first few weeks of the game too.
So, I cant really even say the game is buggy at all.

Are you sure you haven't been playing Skyrim and confusing it with Dark Souls?

Or is your frame rate possibly running low and you're blaming the game for it? If your frame rate is low, you need to fix it. Durante's mod can make
the game run at 15 FPS if you don't install it correctly, and that can cause input errors. There's a fix for it somewhere on his blog page.

If your camera isn't working, that's definitely something on your end. The camera works fine for me and tons of other players. You probably need to fix something on your side.


As for the whole "Let's make them dead" thing on the Dev's side. The Devs said that the whole "Prepare to Die" campaign was a marketing idea
that Namco Bandai wanted to push, but not something they came up with or wanted to place as the game's shining characteristic.

This was the original trailer for the game for example. You'll notice the absence of "Prepare To Die!"

Uchiyama (the head game maker) said that his main concern is just for players to gain the feeling of accomplishment as they play the game. So, they give you
the tools necessary in order to tackle any situation with your own strategies. In order to gain that feeling of accomplishment though, the game has to be relatively
challenging. That's why you and the enemies in the game all do a lot of damage. But, you can also negate damage in a lot of ways: Such as blocking, stepping out of the way,
dodging/rolling/back stepping, parrying, countering, etc.

The key he said was he wants players to say "This guy seems tough, but I think I can beat him if I try to do things...this different way." and you create your own strategy like that.

Dark Souls ISN'T that hard, it's just challenging and requires a lot of bravery. That's actually what I think is the true purpose of the game: Testing your bravery in the face of the unknown.


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

i dunno for you , but Dark souls for me doesn't work good.
Right analog on gamepad : i move it right and camera goes up. i move left and camera looks down. i move up and camera doesnt respond. i move down and camera doesn't respond.I have to use the "reset camera" button to straighten up the camera. bow aiming is broken up for me
I won't argue about three things : -The animations are worth to become examples.
-The level design is also amazing. Ascends and descends on staircases etc...are well made. the level designer did his job right- no. Exceptionally right
-The motion blur is better than any other game i have seen it in.
But,the graphics are not good at all.
-Forcing 1024x720 is ridiculous ( as i said on my previous post, i have put the mod to have 2560x1600 resolution but we are talking vanilla here)
-The anti-aliasing is ridiculously bad. It's not FXAA,it's not SMAA, it's not antialiasing. It's a fake AA.All it does is blur around 2 % of the jaggies
-You can't possibly tell me that Dark souls has nice graphics when there are other graphics-masterpieces. The witcher 2 for example.It even runs on xbox 360 at good quality ( i remind you that xbox has much less process power than ps3 ,where Dark souls initially started off.

Performance wise : It forces my Ati 6850 to work on around 30-35 % efficiency. Result: average 18 fps (bad when the situation demands quick think-act moves)
Just a sub-note i play battlefield 3 on average 40 - 50 fps @1680x1050 and all settings on ultra,4x MS AA , and The witcher 2 @ same res and fps with all at ultra ( ubersampling off ;p)
thus meaning it makes a beast-pc run at 18 frames average on a 2007-looking game...

Gameplay:The bosses are mostly well made, but i think they overdid the " prepare to die" idea. being one second away from one hit-kill is a thrilling experience-IF the controls respond when you ask em to and not 1 second later... :cry: :cry:
The controls often get stuck (player keeps goin forward.) Pain in the arse in Blighttown...
the camera ,for some reason chooses to let the target go ( no i didnt get far away). that just wouldn't let me kill the Hydra's heads in Ash lake. ( decided melee won't do so i simply sniped it to death :P. i DID spend 400 arrows though)

on a last note, the game was not nearly as good as Demon's Souls. Demon's souls had some really innovating online play ( bloodstains where you see other people's last momments )

I'm not saying the game is not good. It IS good but you Really need to be patient. And i mean Real patient
i'm half way through the game and i'm really having fun. It's just it really makes you angry when it's one of those WTF momments
when you die while you clearly shouldn't

P.S. What is momment spelled like? :oops: Momment or Moment?

Posts: 60
Joined: 28 Dec 2011, 02:33

Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

Guest wrote: SNIP
Yeah Dark Souls works great for me, I never had a problem with the controls or frame rate (rock solid 30 FPS) and my PC is not even close as good as yours.

Look here and try this and see if this helps: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/140637 ... __21445012

Also, if your camera is inverted its probably inverted in either your controller's setup in the control panel, or in the in game settings. You can change all of that stuff around.

Also, bloodstains are still in Dark Souls. The graphics are awesome in Dark Souls too. It doesn't have all the technical bells and whistles of those "blockbuster games" but the
quality of the basic stuff far outshines games like The Witcher 2 imo. For example, the lighting in Dark Souls is really good and the texture quality is incredible.

Also, it's Moment <---


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

Hey ENB, you said you broke your keyboard? You know what you reminded me of? "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbcctWbC8Q0". Y'know that Angry German Kid video, yea, that's you ain't it?

How about you take a deep breath and calm down. Sure, you're entitled to your opinion and thus am I; hence this post.
But, is this really all about you? Don't you have fans, or even friends who enjoy Dark Souls? Couldn't you do something for them? But don't get me wrong. I sure as hell don't understand the difficulty of doing a mod like ENBSeries. But maybe give us a bit of a chance, rather than straight out bashing a game loved by many. Also, look at your poll. It's clear people are in favour of having such a mod. But you do realize the people that have voted are merely the uninformed? Imagine the amount of people that would flock to your site if you really DID release a mod for it. Possible financial gain? I don't see why not.

Btw, you said you have a controller? Did you go full mental retard? Why didn't you plug it in and play with that? The control scheme is not designed to be played with a keyboard. It's near impossible. The game has too many actions that need be pressed very fast. The idea of a controller is being able to associate all the actions to keys within very close proximity of the fingers. When you have a keyboard you gotta start stretching for keys (Not forgetting the fact that unless you got some insanely awesome mouse you're also restricted there, as you suddenly lose movement of like 3-4 fingers?). You're a tool for thinking you could play this with Keyboard and Mouse. Sure they added some basic support for it, but it was just so retards like you attempted to play and quit - because we don't want retards clogging up our Dark Souls community. Get off your high horse and play using a different input. You also mention playing all those PS1 and PS2 games, or even older. Well you know what, they use a controller too don't they? Just because a game is run on a PC does not mean it needs to support Keyboard and Mouse. Think of some flight simulators, sure, they work with keyboard and mouse, but the precision you could get from something like a joystick is unparalleled.

TL;DR - ENBSeries is mentally retarded angry german kid who cries to his 90 year old mother whenever the world changes a little because he doesn't have the ability to have an open mind.


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

Who knows. Maybe the control`s slugginess is caused by the bad fps.Btw i found a way to increase fps to 25 average by forcing it to run at 5720x3840 so that it forces my gfx card to work at around 80%. Better performance with better graphics :).
My complaint though is that i had to do that on a third party program. No support came from the dev`s part. Still i won`t say it`s a bad game. It`s a very good game that is plagued by a lot of technical issues,unfortunately.
Btw how do i change the camera controls in the game`s menu for the right analog (camera)? I tried it and it doesn`t allow me :x

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Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

Bro.. use an external gamepad mapper like x360ce or something like that. Game is great, so sad that it took all this time from Blade of Darkness for something similar to appear on pc. Control is perfect. I never played anything with gamepad except PES but this came on naturally, np, camera and pl control are flawless. I'm playing at 15fps also 'cause I forced SSAO, AA and pushed DoF start at 810, doesn't bother me since most of enb's I'm using are running at similar framerate. Game looks decent, no need for enb really.


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

My fps goes up the further i put pressure on my gfx card on this game so, please DO tell me how you forced SSAO. is it through Nvidia tool or through Enb?
i have Ati gfx card ;(
Btw did you try Durante's internal framebuffer fix for the low res problem?


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

I don't mind the 15fps, it's because I bumped AA fairly high for screenshooting but then just left it as is. Sadly SSAO seems to be working only for nvidia through nvidia inspector using the skyrim flag. Not as good sa Boris's AO but still decent ^^
Yeah I'm using Durante's 0.8 fix
here's a image illustrating AO if anyone cares:
http://www.dodaj.rs/?2N/n6/WnpUcf/data- ... -54-36.jpg


Re: [poll] Dark Souls modding

Try out Durante's 9.1 with full support for SMAA.About the results you gor from that AA + much better performance for you.
Have you found a way in the net to stop the gfx card being forced to run in idle mode?
Complete out of topic: 1) Where can i find better sword than Drake's sword
2) I noticed you're a dual wielder. is the extra damage output worth the absense of a shield?