Enhanced Lighting for ENB, updated 25 November-14

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05


Upcoming content in the next release scheduled for: tomorrow afternoon/evening - Central Europe time, or the day after that.

ELE - Interior Lighting modules
  • Fixes and updates to all the imagespaces and lighting templates.
  • New feature, Dungeon separation possibility through HLSL coding in any of the ENB shader files both .fx and .txt files. Example code will be posted along with the uploaded files.
  • New feature, Exterior and Interior separation possibility through HLSL coding in any of the ENB shader files both .fx and .txt files, for ENB binaries older than v0.119. Example code will be posted along with the uploaded files.
  • Performance improvements in some of the more "well traveled" interior cells, more to be covered and in all DLC's possible to apply similar method of performance optimizations.
  • Propabaly a lot more but can't remember every change since the last release.

2nd Sky mesh, with a higher horizon
  • I think I forgot to upload the 2nd version of my Sky mesh with a higher/"longer" horizon section of the sky.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05

Oh nice Jawz :)
Just wondering, is it ok to include ELE modules on ENB's? Trying to get some sort of base lighting package together.

PS. just finished the new bloom shader, bug free eating FPS like a horse :p

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05


Thanks :)
As long as users notifies me of such use and does not claim it as their own "from scratch" work they are free to do so. So yes you can do that ;)

Great to hear :)
A thought just occured to me writing this comment about it, your dynamic blurring shader would it be well suited for other things beyond blooming effects? Like for instance apply some sort of sharpening method along with it or incorporate into or along with a tonemapping operator with some other adjustments to enhance the high frequency details in an image, or just another word for a sharpening effect :P

Been looking into somehow/ someway reproduce this tonemapping operator as it had a nice effect on the image and would solve the "blurring" of colors when using Reinhard's tonemapping operator.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05

Try Filmic Tonemapping
Lot of controls, no loss like Reinhard, much better shadow contrasts.

I don't think that guys tonemapping is anything useful for real time rendering... but who I am, I just implemented insane expensive techniques in new bloom shader ;)

Then again, it's nice he posts examples, but doesn't post the actual algorithms, so rather useless unless you're in the habit to figure it out entirely :)

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05

I have and I've been mixing and matching it together with Reinhard as well as an experiment. Just adding two tonemapping operators which are then combined in the Tonemap function MJP made an example of in his DX11 framework. Among other tests and what not.

A pretty good result, no loss in colors which the Uncharted2D suffers from and no high amount of loss in "contrast" that Reinhard suffers from but still not optimal as I see it.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05

Tonemapping as the sole post processing is not really that optimal even in the best of cases. There is always a trade-off.

In terms of ENB then you do have other post processing you can use easily. The reason I originally went for filmic S-curves was that they allowed control. And the loss of color could easily be compensated by any number of saturation techniques.
It is worse with loss of contrast, and gamma disturbances, which are much harder to correct but it can also be done. (Trick is making the adaptation shader behave!)

In general for ENB you have like three or four ways to alter most pixels at any one time... including skylighting, various intensities and color choices etc. The trick is simply to get the most optimal tonemapping for most cases you are going for, and then fine tweak the rest using all the rest of ENB.

Good tonemapping makes all tweaking easy...... bad tonemapping creates issues that no amount of tweaking will ever be able to fix!

I also found that it helps quite a bit if you put your formulae into a graph program and then visualize it like that... it gives a really good indication of what any given pixel will be transformed to and from.

Also about blur sharpening mix.... I tried to make quite a few of those.. and unsharp masks.. are really not optimal at all. Mainly because the dependency of the ingame textures is so massive.
If you use a 2k texture in one location and a 1k one close by then the visual difference after an unsharp mask has been applied is huge. On top of that then the transparent textures like grass do not take kindly to the effect at all.

But it is really easy to apply sharpening to a pixel shader so if you find out something interesting that looks good then I am all ears! :D

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05

Woho! Can't wait for the update, sounds lovely. :D I'm about to go back to Skyrim after a few months hiatus!

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05

I am eagerly awaiting the update too. More goodies to mess with, and hoping that Prod80 takes advantage of your new features in a most excellent manner.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05

I just looked at ELE files with tes5edit and there are conflicts in my load order with things like Fyr Manor, Live Another Live and Cloaks of Skyrim. Is it safe to put ELE after them?

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 12/05

Has the new Skymesh been uploaded ?,cant seem to find it,cheers.
Win 10 64, Intel i7 5820K @ 4.2, GTX 970 4gig, 16 gb DDR 4 ram, Asus Xonar D2X, dual Acer T232HL IPS LED Monitors, One 27" IIyamma pro X82783HSU, 2 TB HD + 3x 128gb + 1x 250gb+ 1 500gb SD drives.
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