Skyrim particle patch for ENB

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Yes, I've seen the same issue and I've always thought it's to do with the rendering engine hitting the maximum particle count limit. At least in Skyrim LE there was a hardcoded cap which was pretty low, and even adjusting the parameter in the preferences ini higher would make no difference. My gut feeling is that the cap is higher in SSE, though. In any case, although it sounds a bit odd it's possible that the cap only applies to master particle systems which would explain why other particles keep being rendered but I've never tested this.

That said, I think it's still worth checking the mps you use (I guess you used one as a template, so issues trickle downstream) and making sure there aren't anything in it that might limit the max spawned particles or disable rendering depending on the lod. In cases like these it might be even feasible to temporarily replace the particle system with something very simple for testing purposes. Keep in mind that the limits configured in the mps apply to EVERY instance of that specific mps across multiple systems so if for example "BS Max Vertices" is set to "1000" it means that 1 000 vertices are rendered in total no matter how many instances you have, and not 1 000 per instance.

Incidentally, about "BS Max Vertices" parameter - since each particle is a quad with four vertices, I have always assumed "BS Max Vertices" is actually NumParticles/4. But I have never actually checked, and it might be just an oversight in Nifskope. And yes, falloff parameters determine the visibility of the object based on the viewing angle, so it's not the issue here.

Good write-up, by the way. Like you admitted it's somewhat disjointed and very focused on creating a certain type of particle systems, but it's a great crash course and contains plenty of important details for those motivated to learn.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

There was zero difference between BS Max V = 500 and 2000; there was zero difference between a variety of LOD Modifier settings (copied from different vanilla files). Right now I don't have the energy for more experiments.

Btw I "think" I've seen very very low BS Max V values in some vanilla files (like in the single digits), just can't recall where atm.
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Then you're probably just hitting the hard cap and that's it.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Would carrying forward these changes cause visual bugs, if they are used without a ENB?

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

While I'm not aware of any it's possible since I haven't really tested without ENB.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB


I'm quite new to the whole Skyrim modding thing so I'm sorry in advance if this is a silly question.

I'm running both USSEP and ENB Particle fix and it seems the particle fix is changing the ownership of Erikurs house- reverting the updated value from ussep back to vanilla. Is this intended?

SSEEdit ->

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Good catch, fixed now.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

In case I'd like to modify some things myself, what exactly do I have to do in Nifskope to make a weapon (or any other object), that is already glowing, emit light so that it would light up the surroundings. (big range)

I tried to add a particle system, but it did not work. (and there are mods/objects that emit light without a particle system - how is that possible ?)

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

My mod covers almost everything, which particular weapon are you talking about?
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

4109 wrote:My mod covers almost everything, which particular weapon are you talking about?
This is not an original Skyrim weapon - it's a mod. ("Experimental Laser Katana" mod from old Skyrim, works ok with SSE)

Since I am not the author of this mod, I can only make changes for my personal use.
With ENB this mod has a nice glow effect that lights up surfaces right next to it (glow extends about 10 centimeters from the blade) but not farther - cannot use as a light source. (For example another mod - called "Magicka Sabers for SSE with Light Emission", lights up surroundings too)

I analyzed many other mods that have this kind of glow that lights up the surroundings, and then I tried to mod the "Experimental Laser Katana" mod accordingly, but whatever I do, nothing helps. (I have studied many online instructions also - still no use.)

There are also other mods that would look nice when lighting up surroundings, but sometimes contacting an author can be impossible, that's why I'm asking for help. I'm still learning how to do all this stuff, and the best way to learn is to modify something. And I'm sure that good and clear instructions (based on examples) can help many modders.
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