Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Any ideas as to why this is happening to my interior waters? (also one exterior water issue)
I showed each problem with enb on and off. The first two images you can see are an issue without enb (the white border around water edges). The second two images show that in shallow interior water (with enb on and off, so not specifically an enb issue), it's way too light blue and isn't consistent like you would expect it to be with other water. The last set shows that when my character moves around in water with ENB on, the displaced water is a similar color to the interior color (in that it's too bright blue/green). Tried messing around with a lot of different settings but couldn't get anything to affect the water in the way that whatever is causing these issues is affecting it. Any hints or tips as to what could fix these issues would be very much appreciated as this is the last thing I have to sort out before I've finished my load order.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Could you please let me know the locations for the first two issues so that I could check them myself?

The first one looks like an issue with fog, probably you're using a weather modifications that pulls the fog near the clipping plane. I can probably make a workaround when I know the location.

In the second one it looks like the fog color of the water is just very intense and cyan tinted, like in vanilla. Not sure if it's an oversight from my part but I can check.

The issue in the last set is caused by too high SunScatteringMultiplier under [WATER] properties.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Hey, thanks for the quick reply! The first images are from Embershard Mine near Riverwood, after a lot of digging I suspected the same thing about the fog but I couldn't get rid of the interior fog either with ENB settings or by installing a fog remover mod. The second set of images is from the alternate start Abandoned Prison, and the third set is just outside at the waterfall area where Lucky Lorenz and his shack are located. Should also mention if I go underwater anywhere (tested in the waters near there and in solitude), it's a similar cyan color to the sunscattering color I'm seeing. Adjusting that setting just now did get rid of that discoloration but if the setting is any higher than 0 to ~0.10 then the cyan color is noticeable. The underwater color doesn't change with that setting, as you would expect. Is that normal for you? Do you get that same color when moving around with the 1.0 setting you have listed on the first page?

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Hmm looks like I now have the same issue in the Embershard Mine, I'll check what has happened. Probably I made a mistake somewhere along the way that has gone unnoticed up until now.

As for the second issue, have you seen the same issue anywhere else? If not, it's likely that Alternate Start uses it's own water type which looks like that.

I too have the same overly intense sun scattering effect with the settings listed on the first page. Seems like I forgot it in the post, thanks for the heads-up. And yes, the underwater color is something else.


Updated, the interior fog issue should be now fixed.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Fantastic man, you work fast. I haven't seen anything else as bright as what was there in the Alternate Start dungeon. I think in Whiterun the circular canals next to the companions hall were a bit brighter than normal but not so much as the Abandoned Prison. I thought maybe all shallow interior cell water might be affected but I haven't seen enough examples to know for sure. Maybe something to look around for. Will test out the update right now.

EDIT: So that did in fact fix the white border issue in Embershard Mine perfectly. The angle for the blue color in the Abandoned Prison also is improved (I think) but the color is still the same as it was. In Embershard Mine my water looks like this now: If I can figure out how to tone down the color there and in the Abandoned Prison (or perhaps all interior cells) it'll be perfect.
Last edited by Irizarr on 06 Oct 2019, 17:14, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Good catch, the Whiterun canals probably have a similar issue with the fog (visible during foggy weathers), will check.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Right so, based on the way my water looks now (, I think the color itself is fine. I'd say it looks more like there's too much light influence on it from the ENB. Not sure what setting needs to be changed to affect that.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

You mean the greenish "fog" is too visible? Hard to say, in some other cases the water might turn completely transparent.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

I'm not entirely sure if it's fog that's creating the color. You would probably have a better idea of what exactly the game is doing to produce that look in the water. It seems likely to be a kind of fog. Based on the angle you look at the water from it does in fact change to complete transparency from that greenish blue color (depending on water depth). For instance, if you move over the water it becomes more transparent the more downward your viewing angle is to it. This and this is exactly the same body of water at the end of Embershard Mine just from different angles. You can see when you're looking at it from an angle that "goes through" more water, the opacity of the color is increased.

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Re: Skyrim SSE Water for ENB

Yes, it's a little bit more complex system than just "fog" but it's mainly mixing various colors based on certain criteria. The phenomenon you described is called frenel.

Please try the latest version, now it looks like this for me:


Make sure to reduce fog intensity for interiors or use a mod that pushes the fog back.
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