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Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 14 June-14

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 02:18
by Aiyen
Damn you JawZ now I actually have to update my guide so that it actually explains stuff properly since you link to it! :P

Only real input I have to your files is that perhaps I would just leave the screenshots out since it is impossible to capture the essence of a tonmapping method on just one image anyways... Like flimic with one set of settings can look like a reinhard, but a reinhard would not be able to look like a certain set of flimic settings.... and so forth.

I find it helps more to actually have the curve on a plot, but I entirely understand that other people do not see it easily that way.

Other then some minor math optimizations then I got nothing and it is looking sharp. Great work!

Guess I should get working on trying to make my stuff even more accessible and make thread here about it etc!

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 14 June-14

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 02:58
by --JawZ--
Didn't you know about the MJP framework? I thought it was there you got it as Prod80 did :P

The images are there for a reference of how they look out of the box, just to give a fast and simple visual of how it will look when first loading it up in
the game without the need to switch between the files in game. Though that will surely happen anyways and I implore users to do so.

I find that it helps a lot by using MJP's tool with all it's info ;)
Been meaning to implement a similar tonal curve as he has in his file but haven't gotten around to it yet and then I saw Boris and Kermles
talking about histogram implementation once again, so there might not be any need of it in the future anyways. If Boris decides it's worth
spending time on.

Yeah I know there are things that can be improved upon but it's still fully functional and does what it was intended to do. Perhaps some optimizations will be done for future releases.

Sounds like a good plan to me, thanks for the input also :)

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 14 June-14

Posted: 14 Jun 2014, 10:01
by Aiyen
Yeah it helped alot to understand the inner workings of the code a bit easier with visual confirmation, espescially for the Uncharted2D operator.
The code is there I just need to find the "Rosetta Stone" to be able to implement it to ENB, and with the amount of work I have on my plate it will take time as it isn't highest on my "to-do" list.

Same here, it's hard to get a good basic understanding of it with all the variations and different suggestions on how it should be done that currently resides all over the net.

As always I really appreciate it.
One can't really gain any amount of info on how things should or can be improved with such replies, though they are welcome of course but in terms of improving a mod it doesn't help out a lot.

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 14 June-14

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 01:44
by --JawZ--

Uploaded new cleaned/empty files for v0.254
  • enbeffect.fx
  • effect.txt
  • enbbloom.fx
  • enbeffectprepass.fx
  • enbsunsprite.fx
  • enblens.fx

Off-Topic here but did I alter your comment post Aiyen? If so it was by mistake and definitely not what I had in mind to do and I apologize for that.

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 14 June-14

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 07:38
by Aiyen
Hehe yeah that post make just about no sense anymore!

Will have to take a look at your new stuff when I get in the coding mood again. I have converted over to modelling and texturing fun instead these days... I feel that my shader coding skills are about as high as they can get without actually making a new .dll myself... and that is still a bit more work then I am prepared to be doing atm.

Converting various image manipulation filters and blending modes is just kinda... yeah it could probably produce something, but ultimately most looks can be achieved using just the basic means already in place anyways. It is not like you got different layers/passes that really can benefit from it.
The last thing I was playing with other then making a custom high performance DoF.. was to play around with the HLSL blending modes in the multipass shaders... quite fun results you can get out of that, but nothing that would make sense to use.

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources for Skyrim, updated 14 June-14

Posted: 27 Aug 2014, 01:49
by --JawZ--

Uploaded first branch of New Shader Files, for both Skyrim and Fallout 3/New Vegas

Skyrim enbeffect.fx;
  • Beginner - Includes ND-IE separation, Exposure, Local Reinhard Tonemapping and full Game color correction adjustment.
  • Local & Global Reinhard - Includes ND-IE separation, Exposure, Local & Global Reinhard Tonemapping, Local Contrast, HSL Color Space adjustments and full Game color correction adjustment.
  • Local Reinhard Curve - Includes ND-IE separation, Exposure, Local & Global Reinhard Tonemapping, HSL Color Space adjustments and full Game color correction adjustment.
And of course Adaptation and ENB bloom.

Fallout 3/NV enbeffect.fx;
  • Cleaned default file - Just a cleaned up the file for an easier coding experience. Added GUI annotations to APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION and ENB Post-Processing.
  • Local & Global Reinhard - Includes NDI separation, Exposure, Local & Global Reinhard Tonemapping, Local Contrast, HSL Color Space adjustments and Night Eye effect without AGCC.
  • Local Reinhard Curve - Includes NDI separation, Exposure, Local & Global Reinhard Tonemapping, HSL Color Space adjustments and Night Eye effect without AGCC.
And of course Adaptation and ENB bloom.

More info can be had in the readme files located in the Skyrim folder.

Download is available at the front page in the first comment down in the download section marked "New Shader files"

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources, updated 27 august-14

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 15:43
by narphous
I took a look, and the layout just doesn't make any sense to me. What's all the x and y for individual parameters? I've tried swinging values to extremes, and for most of them, don't see a lot of difference in rendering. I'm also seeing bloom blowing out in spots.

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources, updated 27 august-14

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 16:56
by --JawZ--
At the very top in the GUI shader window;

Code: Select all

INFO---X is Night
INFO---Y is Day
To reduce GUI annotations I coded them like this;

Code: Select all

    float2 fAdaptMin_E <
        string UIName="Adaptation: Min-EXT-";    string UIWidget="Spinner";    float UIMin=0.0;    float UIMax=50.0;
    > = {0.64, 0.64};

Instead of;
    float fAdaptMin_EN <
        string UIName="Adaptation: Min-EXT-NIGHT";    string UIWidget="Spinner";    float UIMin=0.0;    float UIMax=50.0;
    > = {0.64};
    float fAdaptMin_ED <
        string UIName="Adaptation: Min-EXT-DAY";       string UIWidget="Spinner";    float UIMin=0.0;    float UIMax=50.0;
    > = {0.64};
Thus reducing the amount of code by a lot.

And why bloom is blown out is because the way you have it setup with this type of tonemapping operator.
Local operator uses a blurred texture to assign itself to specific pixels and not the entire image as a overlaying tint as a Global operator does. So in lay mans terms Local operators handles only the brightest pixels and leaves the darker ones alone, while a global operator applies the same amount of tonemapping to all pixels.

So the reason why bloom is blowing out is because of the tonemapping operators values not being setup properly, and I have added a "Threshold" control to it now and will upload an update with that included momentarily. It will help out when using different bloom files that has adjustments done to it.

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources, updated 27 august-14

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 18:31
by --JawZ--

Uploaded updates of the Skyrim files

Skyrim enbeffect.fx;
  • Added a new control variable for Local Contrast and Local Tonemapping operators, "Threshold". Allows adjustment of the local area effect.
  • Altered code and re-arranged some of the codes.
Info can be found in the readmes.
And these files work flawlessly and as intended, both during the development and right before upload.

Re: --JawZ-- ENB resources, updated 27 august-14

Posted: 30 Aug 2014, 18:48
by prod80
Hey Jawz, idea for you but I haven't tested if this is actually possible..

Your local operator works with the blurred texture of bloom, so obviously a lot of it depends on how this texture is blurred and also, this texture normally went through a highpass.

Now what if you would apply 2 blur passes (2*horizontal 2* vertical) inside enbbloom.fx but one is applied to rgb, other to alpha. The alpha channel should be converted using normal greyscale operation from the rgb channel to get weighted luminosity on it. This way you can control the blurring for your local stuff separately from the bloom itself.

Only thing, besides an enbbloom.fx file configured for it is some extra coding inside enbeffect.fx to get bloom texture rgb and set alpha back to 1 for normal bloom, and use the blurred alpha channel for your local contrast. You could technically apply a 13 tap Gaussian for bloom and a 64 tap Gaussian for your local operators.

I think this should be possible, I don't even think it will cost a lot of performance... dunno if ENB sets alpha to 1 automatically between the 2 files though.
