Skyrim particle patch for ENB

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

No - the models are the same and it's not possible to adjust them per camera, so what you're seeing is what you're going to get and I don't think there's a way around it. The game does some tricks while in the 1st person camera that changes the render pipeline so who knows what's going on.

There's indeed some discrepancy, bottom is free cam:



Updated the patch once again.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Ok I found something. I cannot really believe they are the same. because the spell in first person is connected to the fire setting while in third person its connected to lightsprite.

Thats first person with fire setting at 0.2

this is with firesetting 8 in first person. third person is not affected.

this here is lightsprite in third person

thats on value 1.00 (lightsprite setting)

and thats on value 8 (lightsprite setting)

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

That's due to the game manipulating the shaders depending on the active camera, thus ENB detects the object differently. With appropriate settings you won't notice much difference.

What about the latest version I just uploaded, is the candlelight effect more prominent?

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Since you say proper setting would fix the problem, it doesn't but your new version is ok I guess. this works a better! So I think that topic is done. There seems to be no fix for the differences.

Thanks for trying anyways !!!!

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Hi, sorry I still don't know what setting or where it is that I need to adjust to fix glowing white smoke, fog and waterfalls at dusk, dawn and night.

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

It depends on the effect.

Plain ordinary smoke and fog should respond to intensity parameters in the [PARTICLE] category, i.e. "IntensityDawn", "IntensityDay", and so forth.

As for waterfalls and other related effects, adjust "LightingInfluence" parameters in the same [PARTICLE] category.

Make sure to enable "IgnoreWeatherSystem" unless you want to adjust everything per weather.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

did you remove dust? I no longer see conflict with Dust by Hhalley

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Yes, I deleted all the extra bits.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB


I found that nearby snowflakes are tagged as fire.

Could this be fixed and added to particle patch?

Edit: Clarification, this is SSE and there are no mods enabled besides Particle Patch for SSE.
Last edited by coldharmonics on 16 Aug 2019, 06:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

I've found a nif in Obsidian Weathers and in Cathedral Concept Weathers (meshes/sky/heavystormsky.nif) which also reacts to the [FIRE] tag. Since it's a sky, this is incorrect.

I know a little bit of nifksope. Is there a guide or method to finding and correcting the incorrect settings? I'd like to learn to fix these myself. Alternatively, I would ask you to make and upload a patch. Thanks!

Edit: I was able to make a workaround by disabling the emissive. This isn't ideal but it works.
Last edited by coldharmonics on 17 Aug 2019, 06:37, edited 1 time in total.
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