Skyrim particle patch for ENB

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

I'm guessing it must be an old version with some sort of a glitch or something because there should be no such mesh for the particle effect. And actually, if you look at the name of the BSFadeNode it's referring to something completely different.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

This brings up the necessity to add version numbers to the Particle patch releases. I had no idea that I use older version.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB


Particles, Water, and Lighting

Why does Particle Patch, Relighting Skyrim, Enhanced Lighting for ENB, and Water for ENB have so many conflicts?

It would be so nice if there were just a single mod for 'ENB Enabled Skyrim'
- Relighting Skyrim (fix light sources)
- Enhanced Lighting for ENB (fix lighting color, fog, and templates)
- Particle Patch (fix objects and effects)
- Water for ENB (fix water)
- ENB Helper (skse integration for weather)

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

True, this is always a problem with the way we mod games. The other thing is that "fixing" means different things for different people so it's entirely subjective what is considered a fix or is it rather a subjective take on "improving" whatever it is.

That said, the particle patch has been around for a long time so I think most mod authors already use its meshes for a base. ELFX is a different story because it's an old mod too that hasn't been updated in ages.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

The conflicts with Particle Patch mainly concern adding water/weather flags.
I wasn't talking about ELFX, but rather ELE; which was specifically made for ENB.

You are correct on subjective 'fix' definition, but I believe the majority of us would want point lights where there should be lights, flagged with the correct type, and no point lights where there should not be; meshes and particles would be set properly to work with ENB, cells would be properly marked for water/weather and ideally have all ambient light set to 255 white alongside location and weather ENB files to set the actual lighting properties.

The conclusion: if someone downloaded the mod and ENB without changing anything, the result would be a default-looking Skyrim albeit fixed up so as to have proper lighting.

[*] Game values for all lighting are white
[*] ENB capable of determining location, weather, and source (source being the name of point light) (categories would be helpful too, like 'torch' or 'cavern')
[*] ENB capable of having properties for each location, weather, and point light name

I kind of got off topic there, but having to spend who knows how many hours to remake my mod install again has me getting frustrated all over again about how Bethesda doesn't use delta-based patches. I really just want the game to like being modded instead of fighting you every step of the way. I asked the guys at Wyrebash about being able to just select a mod to be your master for all things in a certain value type, say for example cell:ambientcolor, so regardless of what order things are in or anything else that mod would always control the cell:ambientcolor when building a patch; but was told that has nothing to do with Wyrebash.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

I'm using the Clover Patch as part of a slightly altered TPF build. The clovers are still way too bright for my liking, however. I've tried to mess around with both the dds and textures in paint, but I can't get anything like decent results. The only reliable way of reducing shine on the top clovers that I've found is to reduce brightness on the file, say by -50. However, this introduces very strong and odd shadows on the ground and the lower clovers. Does anyone have any advice on how one would go about getting a darker, less shiny cluster of clovers?

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Is that on LE or SSE?

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

mindflux wrote: 09 Jan 2022, 11:55 Is that on LE or SSE?
SE, with Serio's ENB.

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Thanks, makes sense. I have probably never tested the asset on SSE but I'll check later tonight. Ewi's or the original, by the way?

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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Tested Ewi's but mine looks completely normal:

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