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Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 19 May 2023, 05:45
by tavernfly
I had a quick question about particle systems affected by ENB's [PARTICLE] Intensity. I'm trying to determine what qualifies or disqualifies a mesh from having its brightness controlled by this ENB value. My goal is to edit FXDustDrop01 and similar dust cloud effects to prevent ENB from controlling their brightness under the particle section, and allow them to be lit by the environment instead.

Ideally, when exploring a pitch black dungeon, I would like these effects to remain invisible in the darkness, but show up under torch light. This is true for fog and mist and other effects in my game, but I can't seem to replicate the behavior for dust effects, because they contain a Particle System, and I don't know what Shader Flags or other parameters need to be enabled or disabled or changed so that ENB will ignore the effect and let Effect_Lighting take over.

Also, to avoid any confusion, I'm referring to ENB's Particle section, not Complex Particle Lights.

Posting here in hopes that mindflux or 4109 or anyone else can shed some light on the matter! Cheers!

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 19 May 2023, 12:10
by mindflux
Sorry, I don't remember anymore. Unless you can think of another effect that works like you want to use as a reference I would suggest just trying different shader flags one by one. Even then, it might turn out to be impossible.

By default many of these types of effects are controlled by LightingIntensity and AmbientIntensity particle parameters but I suppose that doesn't work for you either?

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 19 May 2023, 22:46
by tavernfly
Hey thanks for the response! Nope, dust effects are controlled by the [PARTICLE] Intensity parameter. Essentially, I just want to get ENB to ignore them and let Effect_Lighting take over, so they're lit by the environment like some mist and fog meshes are. The big difference though, is that dust effect meshes contain Particle Systems, where the fog and mist meshes I'm referring to do not.

I'm sure there are some meshes with particle systems that ENB ignores, I guess my next step will be to investigate those and see what I can learn. Thanks again!

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 20 May 2023, 05:06
by mindflux
Sorry, what I meant is that there are quite a few similar particle effects that respond to [PARTICLE] LightingIntensity and AmbientIntensity parameters and pick up lighting so maybe that could work for your purposes as well.

If you want to take a look for example waterfalls have this type of effects but it should be easy to find more by setting the values to something extreme.

It's probably not difficult to make ENB ignore a particle effect but it might be tricky to do it without changing the look of the effect while maintaing Effect Lighting.

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 20 May 2023, 06:15
by tavernfly
Ah, sorry for misunderstanding. That's very good to know, thanks for clarifying! Time to compare some waterfall meshes and see what I can learn.

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 15 Jul 2023, 07:47
by chris85skyrim

Sorry if this has been asked multiple times before, i guess so, but while i tried searching through the pages i couldnt get a definite answer and also can't really browse 206 pages in detail.

I'm having an issue with bright water foam/waterfalls at night.
ENB used : RUDY / NAT3
Water mod : Water for ENB (problem manifests even without it)
ENB Helper + ENB helper plus
Tried Particle patch for ENB, Bright waterfalls fix for ENB, Water and reflections fix for ENB etc, nothing works. Water foam still bright as day.

Only thing that i managed to do in order to fix it, is ingame, access the enb menu and change the "weather" -> particle section -> pointlightinginfluencenight from 1.0 to any lower value and in this case it actually affects it. The same value from the enbseries -> particle doesn't do anything.
However, idk if this is a solution for multiple reasons. Idk how it would affect the other particles plus i would need to edit all the weathers to this value which im guessing there is alot of.

On ENB 4.93.

Any ideas?

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 15 Jul 2023, 09:09
by mindflux
Yes, that is the (only) correct way to adjust the brightness of certain effects that are influenced by lighting, including waterfalls.

Particle Patch (and Water for ENB) makes it possible to adjust the brightness to your liking but for a good result each preset needs to be configured properly, the fixes don't do anything by themselves.

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 15 Jul 2023, 11:38
by chris85skyrim
I see, thanks for your clarification.

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 21 Nov 2023, 12:26
by mindflux
Pretty clever but you're an AI bot aren't you?

Re: Skyrim particle patch for ENB

Posted: 21 Nov 2023, 15:47
by ENBSeries
Just ban, there is no sense to investigate