Enhanced Lighting for ENB, updated 25 November-14

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

@candyman Make sure bEquippedTorchesCastShadows in skyrimprefs.ini is set to 0. And less dickishness may get you more help.

@spock Something something illogical something.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

oh sorry! This is a big misunderstanding. :oops:

This is not a personal attack on Jawz. By the comment of SPOK I noticed that I did not mention an important point. This error to the light I have in MY Mod This has nothing to do with Jawz and he is NOT his fault. It's my fault that this has made a different impression. I wanted to ask Jawz if he has an idea how to fix this error.

English is not my language and I often use Google Translator. Sometimes also by a misunderstanding comes about.

Jawz apologize, that was not intended. :oops:

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

narphous wrote:@candyman Make sure bEquippedTorchesCastShadows in skyrimprefs.ini is set to 0. And less dickishness may get you more help.

@spock Something something illogical something.
I have this entry not in the SkyrimPrefs.ini. Where should the stand? "Display" But thanks for the tip!

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

Wow, chill out, as far as I can tell he did not say anything worthy of such a treatment.
Granted the first question with the carpet should have been better asked in a PM as he is not using any of my interior lighting modules, and that the only fix for it would be to edit or exchange the texture for a better one.


Forget the bEquippedTorchesCastShadows as it won't have any effect on that issue. It's caused by to many light bulbs emitting on the same surface and can only be corrected by going in the CK and remove one or two light bulbs or make it so one or two of those light bulbs does not emit any light on landscape.

As I appreciate the intended gesture for me and my work I don't see how you have the right to tell him where he can or can not post.
As I mentioned I can't see any trace of candymanXXL being rude to me or my work, first he asked if I knew of a way to limit the light cast on the carpet without affecting the light intensity, not doable with ENB or light bulbs edit and has to be edited through the texture and mesh.
Secondly he wondered what caused the darkness, which is shit because of this damn idiot engine with it's numerous issues and bugs.

Both of them should have been better suited as PM's as they don't have anything specific to do with ELE, but judging by the amount of posts he is not able to send PM yet if I remember the PM limit correct.

Did not try to be rude towards you with this comment, just wanted to point out that the "attack" towards candymanXXL was an unnecessary thing to do.

Thanks for the appreciation of my work so far, hopefully it will enter the Beta stage soon enough ;)
The modules that are play through "safe"/most complete are my interior lighting modules, Spell & Torch lighting, ELE Plugin - RS color, ELE -FX Emittance. The others are for testing purposes to see how it could possibly look in the end.


The Direct Lighting in my Interior Lighting modules are very subtle they are stronger in Ice caves though. you should be able to see a difference in emitted direct light when going from 0.0 to 1.0. I can't remember the exact amount now but it should be somewhere around 5, 10, 15 with an intensity of 1.0 for the "normal" none ice and snow themed interior cells.

Are you sure there are nothing that might over write my settings?
Can you give me a location where you are not able to perceive any direct lighting effect so I can compare it on my side as well to see if it is an area where I might have "turned off" the direct lighting for testing purposes.
I have repurposed the direct lighting to be just what you are referring to, character enhanced lighting. As I too find it to "pop" the interior scenes. And it is very useful and good looking in ice caves!

I would suggest looking into the "AmbientColorFilterAmount" setting, try turning it up to between 0.05 to 0.2 (or higher based on your current used settings) with the default RGB color values and you should see an improvement of the overall ambient lighting.

About the Solitude light issue, I that is still in development/testing stage with not full coverage yet. And it's a hard place (as is Markarth) to lit up without causing the infamous light pop in and out making textures black.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

Well, I did read Candyman as extremely rude. From what I understood he was very angry and since you are the master of light you had to fix "this shit". There was no implication about the error coming from his setup, to me it seemed like he blamed you.

Since this is just a misunderstanding please accept my sincere apology (I will edit my post immediately). Here is the reason for my post: http://www.kerberos-productions.com/for ... ce5d6daf76. This is imho quite important.

Thank you JawZ for your info! If I use Relighting Skyrim with your mod, should I put it instead of the lightbulb module in your suggested load order (so Spell and Torchlighting first, then FX Effects, then RS then the other ELE plugins)? Or should I just load ELE after RS?

Another small thing: Your Interior Lighting plugin does not forward some USKP changes (mostly water height changes). If you want to I could do it and upload it (I just used TESVEdit to copy the USKP changes).



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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

@JawZ D'OH! OK, sorted, based on the numbers you gave. I was using higher curves trying to get just very slight highlights on the detail items; ridges and edges, bumpy bits of armor, etc. I tried playing in the range you suggested and see the lighting is there. It was just that the curve I was using was too high, which is why I didn't see anything.

Thanks for the help, as always.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

@ Jawz
the question (carpet) was planned as a PM and I've noticed the mistake too late. :roll: Unfortunately, I could not edit the entry. The Edit button is not displayed.
Thank you for your reply. You say that too many light sources. There is only one light source. Or rather, how much distance should be in the average to the nearest light source? (Radius)

Regarding Carpet: I thought that there is a general attitude that governs shimmer. It is also often the plants or other things look as if they were lit. I thought it might have to do with "SubSurface" "Light Sprite" or "LightingInfluence".

@ Spock
I've already thought that you're not right in the head. :shock: But by your comment was not until I realized that you can also misunderstand my post. So now everything is settled.

thanks for the tip, but it did not change anything!

Nevertheless, thanks to all and it is good that has clarified the misunderstanding.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

Something is wrong with HF interior lighting module.
I remember that all candles had light around them back when it was imagespaces module. Now throughout whole house some have it, some not.

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03

The carpets and certain foliage textures have issues with lighting and shadows. Sadly this is an engine limitation.... the best that can be done is to make sure you use textures that do not show the issue to strongly. Hence make sure you do not use really colorful textures.

God knows that I was annoyed with the carpets in dragonsreach for the longest time... I think the only thing I did was to desaturate them a bit and the "glare" effect they had went away. I know that is what I do for foliage and there it works nicely as long as your shadows are not too dark (ie. too intense skylighting values.)

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Re: Enhanced Lightning for ENB, updated 11/03


Well it's only natural that there will be misunderstanding in a forum with multilingual people around. And not being fluent in writing in the general used language doesn't help either, most of the users here can fall under that last mentioned category from time to time, with no exception me as well ;)

However there are some good pointers/guide lines I go by when reading a comment on forums.
1. Read it twice or more. Did he really mean that or what, easy to misinterpret someones intentions when just skimming through the surface of a comment when there are or might be grammar mistakes embedded into the sentences for instance.
2. There are two kinds of "haters", one that just insults/"trolls" through comments and "hate" a user uploaded content such as a mod without giving a reason for why, just simply says "stupidest thing I've seen" and leaves, ridiculous behavior. Then there are those who hate the haters. Being a hater of haters will only "fuel the fire" of a particular topic. Keeping a cool head and responding in a neutral manner and saying such behavior is not welcome is the best "anti-hater" response to give, there is no need to dig deeper than that. And if you can't keep a cool head it's best to go away and do somethings else and wait on posting a respond until one is actually cool and can act neutral.

As I've said those are my pointers/guidelines I go by and you can just ignore this if you so choose, it's entirely up to you ;)

You should use the content and order of the suggest load order on the front page. So yes replace my light bulb modules with Relighting Skyrim.

Those water heights is most likely not intentional. I have noticed that those edit entries appear even if you haven't touched anything near those values in the CK. Happened in my modules and experimental .esp files I've created. So those edits are most likely rubbish a bug from the Creation Kit's creation of an .esp file
But will look into it further during this weekend.


Yeah curve will darkened and make the colors more intense, it's similar to a gamma control after all. with the values I suggested you it was the intensity level you would adjust and have the curve at 1.0 which is the default/"vanilla" value.

You're welcome, as always.


Well landscape meshes are quite large in size and can cover up to a whole cell quadrant and there is more light bulbs in the vicinity of that location otherwise it would not lit up in one viewing angle and become dark by just turning the view a few degrees.
Radius has no direct impact on the mesh, you can have a light bulb with 0 in radius and the engine will still see it as tacking up a slot in the light bulb limit if it is placed close enough to the mesh.


My interior lighting former Imagespace module has never and will never alter any sort of light bulb. It only have edit entries for Imagespaces, Lighting Templates and Cell menu's.
More likely that you where using another mod that altered the light bulbs in that interior and forgot about it or that you had Particle lights active via the ENB.
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