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[Skyrim][FO4] Better ENB Controls

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 11:51
by Kesta
This is a small utility mod for users or preset authors who tinker often with the in-game ENB Panel.

1) It prevent the player character to draw his weapons or swing them around when clicking (and thus prevent the camera-position adjustment/movement)
2) If holding shift while the ENB panel is open, it prevent the camera to move with the mouse.

If using non-default Inputs keys in enblocal.ini, you have to configure the mod manually (see full readme)

This is a less cumbersome alternative to opening the console and toggling the menus off (and it allow to keep the time flowing and to move around).

This require the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) because their is no other way to listen to keyboards input otherwise.

Direct download link :
Nexusmod host page :

Full readme :

Code: Select all

Better ENB Controls - by Kesta

Version : 1.1

Description :

This small utility will selectively disable player controls when opening the ENB Panel.

When the panel open, player combat is disabled :
 - Weapons are sheathed if they weren't already.
 - Using mouse buttons won't draw your weapons nor swing them around.
 - Additionaly, holding the keyLock (default : Left Shift) while the ENB panel is open will also prevent the camera from moving with the mouse.
Installation & Requirements :

Drop the following files into your Skyrim\Data folder :
 * BetterENBControls.esp 
 * BetterENBControls.bsa .

Require SKSE :

Uninstallation :

Delete the following files from your Skyrim\Data folder :
 * BetterENBControls.esp 
 * BetterENBControls.bsa .

Configuration :

The mod work by detecting key pressed. If you're using non-default ENB controls for the ENB Panel (Left Shift + Enter), you have to edit the configuration manually.
To do so :
 - Download either the Creation Kit or TES5Edit
 - Locate the "Global" section
 - Edit the values of KeyCombination and KeyEditor to match those from your enblocal.ini
 - WARNING! The numerical values don't match those from enblocal.ini, because Skyrim's scripts use DXScanCode.
   Find the KeyCode matching your ENB Input configuration on this page :
 - Although not required, you can also set an other keyLock following the same procedure.
   The keyLock prevent the camera from moving with the mouse when it's pressed while the ENB Panel is open.
Changelog :

v1.1 : 
 - Packaged as .bsa for easier install/uninstall
 - Added keyLock option to disable camera movements

v1.0 : 
 - Initial release
Credts and Permissions :

Author : Kesta
Credits : SKSE team for SKSE and the papyrus key mangement framework

Permissions : You're free to re-distribute this mod, as-is or altered.

Re: [Skyrim] Better ENB Controls

Posted: 31 May 2016, 18:44
by Kesta
Per request, an FO4 version have been proved as well. No need for F4SE with this one as FO4 feature a built-in hotkey system.

This version is easier to configure, but less convenient to use (to prevent the camera from moving, you need to toggle it on/off by pressing a key combination rather than holding one).

It will also toggle the HUD off when the ENB Panel open, since there isn't a proper HUD mod to do this seamlessly yet.

Direct download:
Original modpage:

Full readme:

Code: Select all

Better ENB Controls - by Kesta

Version: 1.1


This small utility will selectively disable player controls and hide the HUD when opening the ENB Panel.

When the panel open, player combat is disabled:
 - Weapons are sheathed if they weren't already.
 - Using mouse buttons won't draw your weapons nor swing them around.
 - Pressing the additonal hotkey combination (default: Shift+Backspace) will also prevent the camera from moving with the mouse when the panel is open.
Installation & Requirements:

Drop the following files into your Skyrim\Data folder:
 * BetterENBControls.esp 
 * Scripts\BetterENBControlsScript.pex
 * BetterENBControls.ini
 * Hotkeys.ini


Delete the following files from your Skyrim\Data folder:
 * BetterENBControls.esp 
 * Scripts\BetterENBControlsScript.pex
 * BetterENBControls.ini
 * Hotkeys.ini


The mod work with the built-hotkey system from FO4. If using non-standard ENB controls:
 - Open Hotkeys.ini
 - Replace "Shift-Enter" by the combination you're using.
 - The additional hotkey can be configured in the same way by replacing "Shift-Backspace" by the hotkey of choice. 
 - For information on the syntax of the hotkey, refer to this article:


Other mods relying on the built-in hotkey system will conflict. 
To make them compatible, copy-paste the content from their own Hotkeys.ini into the one provided, or vice-versa.

For additional informations regarding compatibility and the hotkey system, refer to the FO4 Hotkeys modpage :
Instructions and utilities are provided there to automate the process.

 - Added additional hotkey to prevent camera movement with the mouse

 - Initial release
Credts and Permissions:

Author: Kesta
Credits: Registrator2000 for discovering the hidden hotkey system and providing documentation.

Permissions: You're free to re-distribute this mod, as-is or altered.