[SSE/Fo4] enb postloader plugin
Posted: 10 Apr 2018, 05:11
A SKSE64 / F4SE plugin that loads "enbseries.dll" d3d11 wrapper so that it initiate after other d3d11 wrapper
--- Rename enb d3d11.dll or other d3d11 wrapper to "enbseries.dll", at game root dir.
--- Place the plugin dll in Data\F4SE(SKSE)\plugins
*known issue:
--- Using with xinput1_3.dll wrapper when launching skse64 in "Nsight Graphics 1.0" will cause SkyrimSE.exe fail to start.
--- a log file will be generated in skse/f4se log dir.
--- also works with Reshade or other d3d11 wrapper, with the name "enbseries.dll"
--- Rename enb d3d11.dll or other d3d11 wrapper to "enbseries.dll", at game root dir.
--- Place the plugin dll in Data\F4SE(SKSE)\plugins
*known issue:
--- Using with xinput1_3.dll wrapper when launching skse64 in "Nsight Graphics 1.0" will cause SkyrimSE.exe fail to start.
--- a log file will be generated in skse/f4se log dir.
--- also works with Reshade or other d3d11 wrapper, with the name "enbseries.dll"