Warcraft 3 ENB?

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Joined: 21 Jul 2013, 07:44

Warcraft 3 ENB?

Hi, I'm looking to make an ENB for Warcraft 3 but so far all I've managed to do it get Bloom and (I think) HDR working. Colour palettes also work but that has a tendency of applying either a colour haze over the screen or darken shadow areas, which makes it not-so-efficient for the finer aspects of RTS, like reading your minimap.

Now, I'm currently using the GTA San Andreas ENB (v0.075c) but I still need to use a converter because wc3 use directx8. I recently saw a rather impressive ENB (can't post links yet, sorry) for Skyrim and was wondering if it were at all possible to have the same effects in Warcraft 3, like the J.J. Abrams' style lense flares and the tilt-shift DoF.

PS: Traditional DoF has a tendency of blurring the interface though, so if there was a workaround that would be awesome.

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Re: Warcraft 3 ENB?

please post when you get it working would be interesting to see!
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