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Re: [Skyrim SE] Advanced Depth of Field

Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 03:27
by Oyama
Yup, seems to. :D
What about that port to Oldrim ?... :)

Re: [Skyrim SE] Advanced Depth of Field

Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 10:18
by Marty McFly
I have someone nagging me for a ReShade port as well so when it's done, I'll port it in one go. Not forgetting about it, don't worry :)

Re: [Skyrim SE] Advanced Depth of Field

Posted: 21 Oct 2017, 21:42
by Marty McFly
So, I finally made a good version of this optical vignette thing... I know, both kingeric's and my DoF for ReShade have had it for years, kingeric's one discards samples (inefficient), in my old version I tried to "rotate" the shape in 3D space (wrong shape and due to expensive math even more inefficient), but now I think I have a nearly perfect solution that can restructure the bokeh sample offsets correctly and very efficiently as almost all calculations are done outside the loop, without expensive ops. And doesn't have the issue that it doesn't produce jaggies on the side.
For reference, this effect I was aiming for, the partially occluded circles:


My version (lowered sample count so you can see how the sample locations moved):

Re: [SSE / FO4] ADoF with SSAO

Posted: 29 Oct 2017, 09:45
by Oyama
Very, very nice. :shock:

Re: [SSE / FO4] ADoF with SSAO

Posted: 29 Oct 2017, 17:31
by Marty McFly
Oyama thanks :)

So I came to a conclusion about the AO...As I still have hope that Boris will implement his AO some day, I decided to not add the AO in the rewrite. It just complicates things a LOT, makes the file harder to use, and due to no proper engine integration, screws up fog and all that.

Re: [SSE / FO4] ADoF with SSAO

Posted: 01 Nov 2017, 23:00
by Marty McFly
OK, version 3 is up (first post). This is a major rewrite of the project and it contains a lot of logical and structural changes. First of all - no SSAO. There are features missing such as tilt shift which I'll re-add lateron but SSAO will stay out of it. As I said in the very post above, it bloats the file and looks just like the stock SSAO. Cmon Boris, you can do it. Even a shitty AO is better than AO per enbeffectprepass, for goodness sake.

Okay, so I rewrote the entire code for hopefully higher performance, I can't really test it on a GTX 1080 so you have to take my word on it. Removed the near and far blur mult options, as the curve ones work also as scalar. These near and far blur curve options work now much more direct, no need to crank them up to 1000 to remove near/far blur like in GP DOF days. You can recreate the same blur like before, it's just boiled down to 2 settings instead of 4. Renamed the infinite focus param to hyperfocal distance as it is exactly that - somewhat.
Blur width is now always a factor of the screen size and not in pixels.
Shape chroma modes are now toggleable in UI.
Gaussian should be a lot faster and can be cranked up to insane ranges, if you want really blurry DoF.
The autofocus has been totally overhauled - it can take the entire screen into account (we're rendering to a 16x16 pixel buffer, so even a lot of samples won't hurt perf a bit) and it also takes samples close to screen more into account so it feels a lot more natural + the focusing won't change all the time if you got some fuzzy stuff on the screen. Don't worry, your fps hands won't screw up, I excluded them. Wouldn't want to look at your bow when sniping, would you.
As I said, some features are still missing and I plan on reintroducing some of them lateron. Just so you can do your spins on the new release.

Re: [SSE / FO4] ADoF with SSAO

Posted: 03 Nov 2017, 10:12
by ENBSeries
Guess you will not relax till i make external ao shaders.

Re: [SSE / FO4] ADoF with SSAO

Posted: 03 Nov 2017, 11:01
by Marty McFly
No man this was not to force you to make AO, I know that's impossible. It's just that many people requested earlier to have AO added to the prepass and the old file got extremely messy because of that. So I have an excuse for not re-adding it in the new update :p
I just remember that you said there are problems with extracting albedo from the game so I wondered why you wouldn't just directly replace the AO of the game with any better one. It doesn't even require your full AO/IL with deferred normals and everything, just any average AO is better than the built in. I'd patch the shader files myself if I knew how.

Re: [SSE / FO4] ADoF with SSAO

Posted: 03 Nov 2017, 11:14
by ENBSeries
In Fallout 4 i do have albedo, in SSE most likely not, because i can't increase startup time to minutes for recompiling shaders.

Re: [SSE / FO4] ADoF with SSAO

Posted: 03 Nov 2017, 13:29
by Marty McFly
How did you do it on GTA SA for example? Or allows the almost non existing shading for simple math on regular color buffer?
Also, why do you need to recompile all shaders? Does it have to be done once or every time on game start?