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ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 22:17
by LargeStyle
Hi all,

I'm putting the finishing touches on my personalised ENB preset for Skyrim (using various latest memory management ENBs to test this too) but I've noticed that in the enbeffect.fx when I use: #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION I no longer can use ENBseries bloom, but if I comment (//) that line ENB bloom returns. Is this supposed to happen, and more the point, can something be changed to enable ENB bloom with original game colour correction?

It's a shame really because I think it looks much better with the ENB bloom but I don't want to block the games Imagespaces and Imagespace Modifiers colour correction and saturation controls. I am also very much hoping to remain using Boris' own ENB files (no HD6 code etc) as standard ENB code is great for use and performance.

Thanks in advance.

Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 22:24
by --JawZ--
Go inside the enbeffect.fx file and locate this code string;

Code: Select all*EBloomAmount;
remove that line and add this line;

Code: Select all*EBloomAmount;
under the this code string;

Code: Select all

float4 color=_oC0;

And if you want to use a more smooth bloom disable these two lines with //

Code: Select all;, 0.0);

Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 10:20
by LargeStyle
Man, thank you again JawZ - you've been a massive help.

Tried both bloom types and I like the look of the first (non-smooth) effect. Overall it adds that extra layer of awesomeness to make the image more interesting and appealing. I am in debt to you once more!

BTW: Thanks also for sharing your ELE files - I've been using the spell / torches module and the light bulbs module for the past couple of weeks. I use RLO but quite frankly didn't like the inconsistent ambient settings (Ratway was far too dark in particular) so I removed RLOs Imagespace and Lighting Templates and just kept the light placement, then override this with your ELE modules for light colouring, and finish off the ambients within ENB (reduced direct and ambient settings, emphasis placed on point lighting) - results are very atmospheric to me...


Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 11:14
by --JawZ--
You're welcome :)

If you are not currently running any enbblom.fx file with added adjustable commands I recommend looking into this thread here to see how you can implement a Contrast command for the bloom; ... f=7&t=1041

Or use an extended version of enbbloom.fx that I created and released yesterday, with GUI commands;

Then you might find my next plugin interesting - ... 822#p35293

It looks really neat and "sneaky" a good amount of darkness but not pitch black, I like it :)

Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 15:51
by LargeStyle
Thanks again for the info and links!

I'm currently using standard enbbloom.fx, now with adjust enbeffect.fx code as you mentioned earlier - now changed onto "smooth" version with some compensatory lighting tweaks. The bloom contrast feature looks interesting, but will look at that once I've "settled" into my preset more.

The next (and possibly last) ENB-factor I'm interested in is having different settings per weather type. I've never tried this, and although it seems I'll need the ENB Reference mod, I don't know how to setup the rest of it - as in file names / structure / content. I noticed a weather related file in your Nexus download containing weather types and listed .ini files, but how exactly is this setup? I've not (yet) found thorough documentation regarding this. Also, does the weather settings work without fault? I've read comments of it not working for some people, or breaking when fast travelling.

I actually know Skyrims internal lighting system extremely well as I've been working on a lighting / weather mod myself for over a year now. I've recently decided / realised that internal lighting by itself cannot get me the results that are even acceptable / tolerable so I'm now experimenting with how much to rely on internal system and how much to rely on ENB. Point being, if matters such as the differing ENB weather .ini system don't seem to work 100% then I'm fine with making the required adjustments to the internal system - but as you know this takes significantly more time to do.

I read you post on your new plugin. With all due respect, isn't it the case that using your current ELE lights plugin loaded after RLO (or RS) will simply instruct the game to use your lighting colouring instead of RLO / RS? This is what I did and it seems to work fine for me.

Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 16:17
by --JawZ--
You're welcome :)

It is, and one can make some interesting bloom effect with that code alone.

I have and there are some issues with that that might or might have been caused by me not using it in a correct way, though I don't think so.
Either way I have a weather list file that has all the weather incorporated in it and assigned appropriately to be able to adjust each "unique" weather condition. It's located in my beginner preset zip folder under "Optionals"
At first you won't have any .ini files but those will be created when you first run with the weather system active and reload the shaders with the Apply Changes button. And the adjustments are done in the weather GUI window, though somethings are still controlled in the default enbseries.ini even if you use a file that covers every weather.

Here the sections included in the weather specific .ini files;
[BLOOM] <- quality settings is located in the default enbseries.ini file.
[SKYLIGHTING]<- quality settings is located in the default enbseries.ini file.
[SKY] <- The enable buttons are located in the default enbseries.ini file.
[FIRE] <- AdditiveBlending is located in the default enbseries.ini file.

The rest is controlled and configured by the default enbseries.ini file.

Issues I encountered with the weather system not counting in the enb reference.esp "default bugs" is that the Weather GUI window or ENB in general looses it's effects when the console command has been open for a while, close it and it will jump revert back to the former state. If you made changes to it without saving the configuration you will lose it when that issue happens and it uses the last saved settings. It can also in some rare cases disable itself during regular game play but those aren't that common from my testing.

Then there are the "default bugs" of the enb_reference.esp which is caused by Skyrim game engine's faulty scripting language, LOD's being loaded on top of full detail meshes and textures when loading a cell.

You too :P though I have bit more time on this subject behind me ;) Forget using imagespaces and focus on the lighting templates/weathers to assign the colors that will be used as a base, the rest ENB takes care of.
Imagespace usage that has some value are Sky Value, when ENB is in use that function will only affect the clouds. Skyrim static DoF, Skyrim Bloom. The RGB Color Tint as it can be adjusted per location and Sun Light, same reason as the color tint it allows per location adjustment.
The rest is better to set to non altering value of either 1.0 or 0.0.
These things are what I think is worth having adjusted per location which isn't possible with ENB without suffering some kind of issue.

Yeah precisely, why use ELE without having it affecting anything if loaded otherwise? But the ELE Light Bulbs modules should not be used alongside any other Light Bulb mod as that will cause problems, it's either or.

Here is the load order I recommend for RS;
With Relighting Skyrim

- ELE - Spell and Torch Lighting.esp
- Relighting Skyrim - Dragonborn.esp
- Relighting Skyrim - Hearthfire.esp
- Relighting Skyrim - Dawnguard.esp
- Relighting Skyrim - Update.esp
- RelightingSkyrim.esp or RelightingSkyrim-NoScript or RelightingSkyrim-ExteriorsOnly.esp
- ELE - FX Emittance.esp
- ELE - Imagespaces.esp
- ELE - Weathers.esp

And similar should be applied to the other lighting mods but RLO is not something I would recommend using together with ELE as they have made edits that affects different things in on .esp file that will make several parts of ELE useless or cause problems last time I checked the RLO files and that why I did not include a load order list for RLO + ELE.

Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 18:21
by LargeStyle
Thanks again!

Based on your statement of ENB weathers, I think I'll not use this feature due to Bethesda bugs - it's a great shame as it's a great feature, but I want to avoid bugs at all costs. Guess I'll carry on using ENB to determine saturations and intensities, then move these settings into internal engine (so can reset ENB values to 1.0 to make all weathers compatible) - not a real problem, just takes more time.

I've already made an .esp which "1.0" or "0.0" certain Imagespace settings (mainly White level, Brightness, Contrast, and Bloom) - as you said, let ENB deal with all this. Nothing worse than trying to set an ENB preset with a mess of Bethesdas settings first. Only area of experimentation right now is tint - left alone and is too overpowering, removed completely messes with image too much, so currently setting tint to 50% of original value - this plus my general ENB settings seems to work well (in my opinion)...



As for your ELE / RS / RLO comments - out of interest I'm going to carry on playing with my modified RLO and ELE as so far I've not noticed any bugs, but will check out RS in general very soon.

Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 18:32
by LargeStyle
Plus, forgot to say...

I made a test area including various shapes and objects using various tones - great for lighting testing!


Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 18:38
by --JawZ--
Yeah it makes adjusting weather faster but with cost of suffering from a few bugs, and the preset being "disabled" agter an amount of time with the console open drove me almost crazy as I forgot to save my changes most of the time.

I don't use the int myself but it could be used if one is just adjusting the vanilla color to fine tune the coloring per location where the preset looks bad but the overall look is great. But I don't think I will use it at all as I rather adjust the color for specific objects instead of having it alter the whole scene.

Those pics look great :) maybe a bit washed out colors on my end, but that's just me ;)

I haven't played around with it that extensively just checked the esp files in the detail list via the Creation Kit to see what they covered and based on the settings and how they have described that they have fine tuned all colors it lead me to assumption of colors either becoming to saturated or too desaturated or weird looking, especially since they implemented the color tint values to resolve the over saturated coloring of the lights.

But when I have time a will do a proper in-game test with ELE + RLO to see how they work together and post my experience about it on my ELE thread whatever it will be. I don't discourage users to try it out, I just can't put out a recommendation for it like I have done for ELFX and RS, based on the last time I checked the files content changes that's all.

That looks like a very good "Lighting test hall", a good "tool" to have at ones disposal I imagine.

Re: ENB bloom disabled when using "game colour correction"

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 23:12
by LargeStyle
My two previous pics are washed out my end too! Although I like a slightly desaturated look, those pics are a result of a new enbeffect.fx setup (made yesterday) and using the .esp for internal screen setting resets, plus another .esp for alternative fogging routines (old file not adapted to the ENB yet). Now that I'm happy / content with my ENB files (with bloom tests still to come) I'll start working on saturation more!

I've been testing RLO and ELE together more, just so I understand things better. If you have a spare 9 minutes I've made a video. I've now noticed there seems to be a lighting issue with the main fireplace in Dragonsreach (light pop-in) but may be an .ini tweak I need to do(?) and the fire light effect is different colour to that within taverns. Apologies for only 720p quality and some fps lag, plus my ENB DoF is a little too agressive at the moment so it's not very clear. I'll keep track of your ELE thread from now on.

Lastly, as a gesture of appreciation for the help you've given me, I've packaged my "Lighting Test Hall" into a NMM friendly .rar file - if you're interested. It obviously comes complete with any required meshes and textures. Sad to say, but the grey-scale balls are my favorite, "coloured" in spaces of (equal RGB) - 0, 42, 85, 128, 170, 212, and 255. The test hall can be found in worldspace: CWTestHold, editor ID: TestCWxxx

EDIT: 03/11/13 - link to the "Lighting Test Hall" file has been temporarily (if not permanently) removed by myself (LargeStyle) due to undisclosed reasons.