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Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 26 Jan 2015, 22:33
by kingeric1992
Crazy Flare enblens.fx

* Dynamic fullscreen starburst
* Modular Flare with GUI controlled distortion
* Chromatic Aberration
GUI Overview
update: Jan 27, 2015
(20.65 KiB) Downloaded 1397 times
Crazy Flare Beta
*integrate weather fx with breathing effect frost( disabled in default)
*added 1d blur-based sprite x4 with dynamics.
Have fun!
update: June 20, 2015
(41.91 KiB) Downloaded 1090 times
===update log===
update June 20:
upload enblens.fx Crazy Flare Beta
update Jan 27:
upload enblens.fx Crazy Flare

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 27 Jan 2015, 03:56
by number6
Looks awesome as usual kingeric1992, thanks for posting. I'll try it out right now.

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 01 Feb 2015, 12:07
by Oyama
Doesn't work on my side...
CTD as soon as the game pops. Trying to figure out why....

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 01 Feb 2015, 12:35
by mindflux
I had that happen to me too earlier, but no idea why it did that since now it works.

Have you tried removing enblens.fx.ini from enbseries?

Wicked stuff, I have to say! Looks very cool.

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 01 Feb 2015, 13:58
by Oyama
EDIT : Works now as well.... :shock:

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 00:06
by number6
Wow, this really pushes the lens file to it's full potential! The defaults are pretty heavy, but they can be tweaked for all kinds of subtle effects. Here are some shots I took using it and also the dof in your enbeffectprepass.fx file.

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 00:16
by kingeric1992
weird CTDs, it is quite stable on my ends though, not a clue.

anyway, next update will have lens dirt enable in inverted coord, color gradient texture input, more detail to fullscreen starburst, Gaussian weight ALF and to add per-pixel starburst(replacing my old rotated ALF, which is not ALF at all...)

any suggestion?

Thanks for the screenshots.
Well do a demo on GUIs in next update.

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 01:18
by ENBSeries
As suggestion, i recommend eye specific artifact for glows around bright spots. It's thin relatively short lines with dispersion. I have seen pdf with it, but with awful performance, there are tons of other methods to make it procedural fast. Don't know the name of this phenomena, sorry. Look at the night at street light from distant, how glow looks like around it at constant fov degree. The same for sun, but with much more intense coloring of lines. You may try to find photos of sun like that, but it's hard, because glass optics don't have this in most cases, only saw few shots made with old scratched glass and very simple videocameras (GoPorn cameras probably)

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 09:38
by Oyama

Why not re-adding back your rotated ALF ?...

Re: Crazy Flare enblens.fx

Posted: 05 Feb 2015, 03:24
by kingeric1992
I will still try to do the same effect, but it is not ALF as I later found out.
ALF is basically flares cause by lens reflections, and my "rotated ALF" is actually the dispersion/star effect like boris said and is caused by aperture.

here are some nice reference about how it looks. ... t-effects/ ... ur-photos/

the major spikes are related to blade count, which is doable by 1d blurring + bloom mask.
But it lack the tiny needles and complexity like what our eyes produce.

FFT can do the trick, have no clue how to get it implanted.

Another idea is to find color gradient on bloom texture, and increase intensity if they are in specified angle. Haven't test it yet.

btw, here are two ref vids for real Anamorphic Lens

and here is how it looks with 1d blur x4 direction
TESV.exe_DX9_20141222_230510 by kingeric1992311, on Flickr