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Help make EnbEffect.fx compatible with new EnbBloom.fx

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 14:40
by skyrimvn999
I'm currently using OpethFeldt EnbEffect.fx , it seem to only accept it own enbbloom or old one . Can anyone help me make it compatible with FO4 Natural Bloom ? viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4732

My modifed OpethFeldt EnbEffect : ... beffect.fx

Re: Help make EnbEffect.fx compatible with new EnbBloom.fx

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 16:57
by MaxG3D
Skyrim shaders are not going to work in F4. Skyrim is DX9, F4 is DX11, the internal textures names (including bloom) are completely different and both ENBs have different available data and futures. It's either impossible, or one would have to rewrite like 90% of the code (excluding the in-game GUI stuff).

Re: Help make EnbEffect.fx compatible with new EnbBloom.fx

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 22:24
by ENBSeries
Yes, what MaxTheUniqueGamer said is right. And also some part of code in the shader simply not implemented in Fallout 4 version, while visually result of using shader after porting it will not be the same simply because of different color data as input (skyrim is originally ldr game, but fallout is semi-hdr).

Re: Help make EnbEffect.fx compatible with new EnbBloom.fx

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 12:24
by skyrimvn999
Oh i thought it working cuz when i replace ... eh ... project enb bloom the bloom change , guess when the bloom.fx not working it will use some bloom in enbeffect.fx ? i don't know xD , so eh .... anyway to make that enbeffect.fx to compatible with new bloom from new enb on nexus ?

Re: Help make EnbEffect.fx compatible with new EnbBloom.fx

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 13:00
by ENBSeries
Bloom is not exist in enbeffect.fx, both fallout 4 and skyrim versions. Original game bloom used if external not found. Converting enbbloom.fx also too hard and not worth the time, because it have much bigger changes in Fallout 4 compared to Skyrim. dx9 and dx11 versions differ a lot.

Re: Help make EnbEffect.fx compatible with new EnbBloom.fx

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 23:54
by skyrimvn999
no ughhh i mean make my enb effect fx be able to use bloom from.... eh for example , K ENB or Snapdragon etc ? , about the fo4 i get it :)) i dont want to convert it