Code: Select all
// //
// Weather TODIE enbeffect.fx by kingeric1992 //
// //
// Featuring: //
// Weather dependent //
// Dawn, Sunrise, Day, Sunset, Dusk, Night setup //
// on Exterior/Interior separation. //
// //
// Along with custom SplitTone, LutAtlas, Dithering //
// //
// update: Nov.23.2016 //
Color Wheel offset XYZ is to shift HSL
SplitTone XYZ is also HSL modifier, but it only operate on specified tone region.
for additional weather or interior preset, use TODIE Helper to test preset constants,
then fill in the static input structure to add the preset for targeted condition.
The file contains a build-in example for weatherID 001
TODO: add instructions...don't know where to start...