Triangular Dither
Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 17:57
Updated this post with significantly better code:
You need to apply dither in the OUTPUT colorspace, so if sRGB conversion happens outside your control (as is often the case) you need to apply dither like this:
If you're already in gamma space you can just do
You can leave DITHER_QUALITY at 1, quality level 2 is objectively correct but the difference is completely negligible.
99% of users probably don't need to change the bit depth, but you could of course replace the BIT_DEPTH define with a UI element if you want.
This dither is as close as I could reasonably come to an "objectively correct" dither and shouldn't be perceived as being too "noisy" by any users.
Code: Select all
#define min3(v) (min(v.x, min(v.y, v.z)))
#define max3(v) (max(v.x, max(v.y, v.z)))
#define remap(v, a, b) (((v) - (a)) / ((b) - (a)))
float rand21(float2 uv)
float2 noise = frac(sin(dot(uv, float2(12.9898, 78.233) * 2.0)) * 43758.5453);
return (noise.x + noise.y) * 0.5;
float rand11(float x) { return frac(x * 0.024390243); }
float permute(float x) { return ((34.0 * x + 1.0) * x) % 289.0; }
#define BIT_DEPTH 8
float3 triDither(float3 color, float2 uv, float timer)
static const float bitstep = pow(2.0, BIT_DEPTH) - 1.0;
static const float lsb = 1.0 / bitstep;
static const float lobit = 0.5 / bitstep;
static const float hibit = (bitstep - 0.5) / bitstep;
float3 m = float3(uv, rand21(uv + timer)) + 1.0;
float h = permute(permute(permute(m.x) + m.y) + m.z);
float3 noise1, noise2;
noise1.x = rand11(h); h = permute(h);
noise2.x = rand11(h); h = permute(h);
noise1.y = rand11(h); h = permute(h);
noise2.y = rand11(h); h = permute(h);
noise1.z = rand11(h); h = permute(h);
noise2.z = rand11(h);
float lo = saturate(remap(min3(, 0.0, lobit));
float hi = saturate(remap(max3(, 1.0, hibit));
return lerp(noise1 - 0.5, noise1 - noise2, min(lo, hi)) * lsb;
float3 lo = saturate(remap(, 0.0, lobit));
float3 hi = saturate(remap(, 1.0, hibit));
float3 uni = noise1 - 0.5;
float3 tri = noise1 - noise2;
return float3(
lerp(uni.x, tri.x, min(lo.x, hi.x)),
lerp(uni.y, tri.y, min(lo.y, hi.y)),
lerp(uni.z, tri.z, min(lo.z, hi.z))) * lsb;
Code: Select all
float3 lin2srgb_fast(float3 v) { return sqrt(v); }
float3 srgb2lin_fast(float3 v) { return v * v; }
// Somewhere at the end of your shader pipeline: = lin2srgb_fast(; = srgb2lin_fast( + triDither(, uv, Timer.x));
Code: Select all += triDither(, uv, Timer.x);
You can leave DITHER_QUALITY at 1, quality level 2 is objectively correct but the difference is completely negligible.
99% of users probably don't need to change the bit depth, but you could of course replace the BIT_DEPTH define with a UI element if you want.
This dither is as close as I could reasonably come to an "objectively correct" dither and shouldn't be perceived as being too "noisy" by any users.