TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

DPeasant: Looks fantastic, as usual.

Evo: Great palette, one thing I really wish I could do but no clue how or what I would need to even do it (and as can't do it, never looked in to it). Have to do it old fashion way of using others' and just play with universal RGB and curve settings.

Mindflux: Love it

Trillville: More I see your settings, more I like it.

Quite a few from me this time as made some new characters, downloaded more mods again (have nice armor replacement/standalone collection again now) and then turned off my DoF and forgot how sharp I have my settings so went nuts halfway through ;)


And no DoF (after first shot or two) with a different character:


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Re: TES Skyrim

mindflux wrote:
DogStar, not sure what you mean but perhaps bright water seen from faraway at night or in fog? If yes, I think the issue's caused by fog values - hard to fix without ruining everything. The oft-seen radioactive whitewater (the foam) is caused by fire values... Maybe someone more knowledgeable has better ideas, too late already here.
This is what I mean Mindflux... I've tried swapping fire values across, and I think its too close for fog to be the cause. You can see the same thing in full daylight as well, but its naturally more obvious at night. I removed bloom from the bottom shot as that was making things even brighter.


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Re: TES Skyrim

DogStar, thanks for the screens. Sadly I don't know the cause right off the bat, but I have hunch it might have something do with tone-mapping, palette and saturation settings - do you also have pretty saturated distant fog? Try drastically lowering saturation as well as perhaps tone-mapping curve and see what happens. It might turn out to be difficult to fix without making extreme changes to the setup or resorting to CK (in which fiddling with water multiplier could perhaps help).

Trillville, gorgeous! Are you using COT or did you just nick the clouds? Looks fantastic in any case. My own setup is a bit of a mess now, as I was not happy with the 'daylight effect' and made radical changes to tone-mapping and palette. I'm pretty satisfied for now, but I need to do further research in CK - especially at noon there's a bit too strong red tint that's also evident in the spriggan screenshot. I also broke my dungeons... So don't hold your breath :P

Nice shots, eldyraen! I know the feeling, I also sometimes get the same after disabling bloom :lol:

Couple of random shots I grabbed:






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Re: TES Skyrim

dpeasant wrote:Thank you, guys :oops: . Im planning to release this, but still its a way to go. I cant give much time to weather editing lately, and those interiors eat mch time too. Btw, what tint should i give to foggy weather? I mean, i have snowy weathers bluish, overcast rain is bluish too, as its seen in latest screens, im planing to make storm a bit greenish and still havent decided anything about foggy. im not talking about realism, but about atmosphere.
I'm stuck at foggy weather aswell, but I think I'll go with a slightly yellowish tone, works quite good for me.
My Skyrim preset: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61826/?

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Re: TES Skyrim

Great shots people!


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Re: TES Skyrim

MetallicAcid wrote:Great shots people!


Your screens are pretty damn good yourself, MetallicAcid. I especially like the way your people look. Excellent fleshtones. I can never seem to get that right. Is this config available to try?

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Re: TES Skyrim

"Jon Battle-Born: You know whats wrong with Skyrim these days? Everyone is obsessed with breasts"

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Re: TES Skyrim


Been a long time since I posted one of my own screens. Accidentally deleted my config and am trying to resurrect it. This is just a simple shot but illustrative of what I'm after, which is a kind of photorealistic look ....

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Re: TES Skyrim

I love how Climates of Tamriel adds this athmospheric haze and it looks like these mountains are actually quite far away:

"Jon Battle-Born: You know whats wrong with Skyrim these days? Everyone is obsessed with breasts"

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Re: TES Skyrim

Sorry to go a little off topic, but can anyone tell me if any of the official patches conflict with ENB (or any other mods for that matter?)

I stopped patching a while ago after I read about conflicts but I'm wondering what the situation is now ...
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