TES Skyrim

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Joined: 02 Jan 2012, 15:27

Re: TES Skyrim

Opethfeldt wrote:Upcoming v2.
Looks very nice! :D
Can you also check with Ambient Occlusion disabled? I think settings look quite different with it off.

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Re: TES Skyrim

31 pages! Wholly crap! This thread has grown by what? 25 pages in 5 days?

Wow... going nuts, and the game has gone from zero to amazing in a week thanks to ENB.

It looks insane, and finally Gionight released his config. Going to try it out now.

BRB with tears in my eyes I'm sure :D


Re: TES Skyrim

Добрый день!
Я не очень силен в настройках ENB. Потому за основу взял настройки Aesthetic Lighting ENB102_V02
(http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4973) Уважаемого Xadrach
и немного подправил ночь . Изменил palette и ночные числовые значения ( извиняюсь за наивную терминологию). Игровое время с 4 утра до 5 утра.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Отличные скрины segasega77 !!! давай еще.


Re: TES Skyrim

Gionight wrote:segasega77>>>
Отличные скрины segasega77 !!! давай еще.
Спасибо, Gionight.
Еще несколько скринов.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Dorak wrote:
It destroys all others who aim for realism.
Not really. Black crushes everywhere and the bloom is so damn high you can even see it shining on the grass ( especially the tip, nearly white, and the small flowers, white too because of the bloom ). The whole thing looks like he's in a misty nuclear dream or something.

People have to stop with this " realism " business. Skyrim will never be realist. Just deal with it and make settings that you like.
Ah that was the feeling I was getting.

Though have to say now Opethfeldt is my #1 now! It improves so fast every day.


Re: TES Skyrim

На самом деле я не хотел показать пост-ядерную атмосферу.
На предыдущих изображениях ночь , раннее утро и плохая погода.
Данные изображения показывают обычный день без яркого солнца.
Но фэнтези первоисточник мрачен, и от этого никуда не уйти.

*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim

Messing with dof:


I can get it to sort of work, but doesn't seem to be any way to stop people in your face from getting blurred.
NLA v.2.0 beta - A test version of the latest NLA release.
Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB - A Skyrim weather mod and preset.
High-Res bark textures - Some bark textures I made.
Dark Souls 2 ENB preset - Preset for Dark Souls 2.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Получилось довольно-таки атмосферно и прогрессивно!

Stop right there and don't move!!! :)
if you think my 0.102v set will look as good as in those pics , sorry to disappoint you but i It's not going to happen until next ENB SSAO and IL will be improved and that terrible noise everywhere will be removed . And of course that pressure for realism from every second Skyrim's fan (darker nights, days, less saturation and so on).
It's not really bad you might even like it , but it's just castrated 0.99v.

Yeah a GTA4 DOF story again, it will never work properly sad but truth :(
But nice work anyway!!!
And about your question about what AA settings I am using, the best so far at least for me were combination of in game MultiSample=2 plus SGSSAAx2 in nvidiaInspector and of course AFx16 .
Last edited by Gionight on 09 Jan 2012, 13:22, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

My latest V1.88 MEO, grab it here: http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewt ... ?f=11&t=55






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