TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

Any chance of getting our hands on your ENB Propa?

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Re: TES Skyrim



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Re: TES Skyrim

Trying midhras enb config. It looks really good, thx :D .






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Re: TES Skyrim

Thanks guys, glad you liked. Cool shots everyone else as well!

Kalicola, I feel you. I think at least for me the key is to take baby steps and not go into it all guns blazing because that's a sure way to ruin a setup. Make small adjustments and always go back if you're not sure what happened or whether you like it. Even so, sometimes it does take a hint of luck to come up with what you want. As for the bloom, I can't unfortunately help you as I'm using ENB bloom and not too much of that either - I'm not a huge fan of bloom in general. Regarding colour, I think the mistake most people do is they increase saturation whereas they should be increasing contrast, and over-saturation usually causes a lot of issues.

I'm still to release my present setup, and to be honest, there are still so many issues it might be turning into vapourware, but we'll see.





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Re: TES Skyrim

Looks pretty good Mindflux, and I hear you on the saturation problems. No end to problems when you start messing with that, especially if you enhance it via bloom. *sigh*
The one thing that detracts a little from those shots you just posted is the heavy darkness in the center of the trees. If you could dial that back a little, it's damn near perfect (to my eyes).
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Re: TES Skyrim

midhras wrote:Looks pretty good Mindflux, and I hear you on the saturation problems. No end to problems when you start messing with that, especially if you enhance it via bloom. *sigh*
The one thing that detracts a little from those shots you just posted is the heavy darkness in the center of the trees. If you could dial that back a little, it's damn near perfect (to my eyes).
How does one go about doing that without lightening the shadows too much? I'm finding if I use skylighting to address this dark tree issue, than the shadows themselves are too light in some areas.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Contrast code im using, btw. Put it right before the palette code

float Contrast = 1.00;
color.xyz = saturate(color.xyz);
color.xyz = lerp(color.xyz, 0.5 * (1 + sin((color.xyz - 0.5)*3.1415926)), Contrast);
It will increase overal colours, but unlike just pure saturation, it doesnt messes them.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Thanks midhras, great to get specific feedback. What you usually get is silence... :D

A good suggestion too, and something that's been on my mind too. Needless to say, the problem is especially bad in the snowy areas, where the snow on the branches should give off a lot of indirect light to light up the trees. The problem is that I like to have strong contrasty shadows especially around noon to give a bit of a dramatic edge, so I think I will have to try and find a some kind of golden middle-of-the-road solution.

Johnny, I guess you could first try to increase ambient lighting or decrease the ambient and direct lighting curves. Also, if your setup (especially the skin tones) allows it you can try to increase subsurface scattering, just remember to afterwards check how the snowy pines and leafy trees look. If all that fails, tone-mapping and adaptation settings are the final solution, but since they will affect the whole look of the setup, it's a drastic measure.

Dpeasant, thanks for sharing your code - looks very interesting, and I'll be sure to check it out.


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Re: TES Skyrim

I recommend to try new parameters of updated version, color computation for specular and reflections is not correct as with using ColorPowDay/Night, but less problems with many game textures which turn to red-yellow after tonemapping (as their contrast and other levels are changed in image editor, not the original photos). First of all set ColorPowDay/Night to 1 and decide which gamma is the best for global variable (valid is 2.2, but because textures edited, 1.7 seems not too much). Also i recommend to modify limit of adaptation in enbeffect.fx file, it's too high now, but better to make it to keep only sun oversaturated and proper color of sky at the day. Such limit is similar to human eye perception.
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Re: TES Skyrim

Thanks for the tip Boris, even if I don't understand it all. :?

I'm having an adaptation issue where it's way too powerful making the whole picture outdoor too dark. In snowy areas the screen turn almost black when looking at the snow on the ground. I'm looking to brighten the picture so any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

enbseries.ini parameters.


enbeffect.fx parameters

float EAdaptationMinV1 = 0.05;
float EAdaptationMaxV1 = 0.125;
float EContrastV1 = 1.1;
float EColorSaturationV1 = 0.8;
float EToneMappingCurveV1 = 3.0;

float EBrightnessV2=1.5;
float EAdaptationMinV2=0.135;
float EAdaptationMaxV2=0.8;
float EToneMappingCurveV2=2.4;
float EIntensityContrastV2=1.3;
float EColorSaturationV2=0.8;
float EToneMappingOversaturationV2=32;

// HD6 - Adaptation is now ignored by my choice
float EAdaptationMinV2 = 0.28; // 0.28 // lower gets brighter

// Increase this to darken days, but darkening them will kill the sky a bit unless you enable the SKY overirde in enberies.ini
float EAdaptationMaxV2 = 0.30; // 0.30 // 0.65 // 0.35 // 0.29

// Set ridiculously high, was 8, was in attempt to keep hair colour intact
float EToneMappingCurveV2 = 8; // 130

// Adjusting this will throw out all the other values, icreased to high levels to combat how high I increased ToneMappingCurve to bring some contrast back in to daytime
float EIntensityContrastV2 = 1.6825; // 3.375 // 4.75 // 3.975

// high saturation also helps pop the pink/orange sunsets/mornings at 6.30pm and 7.30am, but also nights then get very blue
// Increasing this will darken things in the process
// v11.2 = 3.0, 1.0 increased to put even more color into the game
float EColorSaturationV2 = 1.85; // 1.65;
float HCompensateSat = 8; // Compensate for darkening caused by increasing EColorSaturationV2

// Not using this now anymore
float EToneMappingOversaturationV2 = 100.0;

float EAdaptationMinV3 = 0.001; // Higher Gets Darker
float EAdaptationMaxV3 = 0.025;
float EToneMappingCurveV3 = 30.0; // Higher gets darker
float EToneMappingOversaturationV3 = 111160.0;

float EAdaptationMinV4 = 0.2;
float EAdaptationMaxV4 = 0.125;
float EBrightnessCurveV4 = 0.7;
float EBrightnessMultiplierV4 = 0.45;
float EBrightnessToneMappingCurveV4 = 0.3;
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