Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

Ivars wrote:
aksine wrote:
Ivars wrote:For what games does this effect work? IV, skyrim or maybe GTA SA?
I can't test it out right now.
It's a multipass shaders ,It will work on GTA IV and Skyrim since they support Multipass effect.txt
but it wont exactly work on GTA SA (as in ,you can only use either vignette blur part or lens distortion and chromatic abberation together or boris's default sharpening-which is included )
What do I need to change to get lens distortion and chromatic abberation together working in SA?
I'm beginer with shaders...So that's the main reason why Bokeh dof doesn't really work with SA (There's only motion-blur style effect around)

Another thing, is this SSAO shader multi-pass shader or single pass?

Where I can learn more about shaders and where I can find info about making shaders for effect.txt
SSAO needs texdepth i guess ,but i do not know how to port it , And to make lens distortion and chromatic abberation work in GTA SA
At the bottom effect.txt replace this portion

Code: Select all

technique PostProcess
   pass P0

VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_PostProcess();
PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 PS_PostProcess2();


technique PostProcess2
pass P0

VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_PostProcess();
PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 PS_PostProcess();


technique PostProcess3
pass P0

VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_PostProcess();
PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 PS_ProcessBlur();


What i basically did is just switch the order in which pass is processed(since the first one only is processed) ,So i figured out which one contains the chromatic abberation and lens distortion pass ( PS_PostProcess2(); ) ,tell me if it works

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

@aksine - No, it doesn't seem to be working...But we are talking about Bokeh dof, I only need to switch the order in which pass effect is processed? And for effects like light shafts, SA needs light source right? Is there any way to create it?

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

Light shaft can't be implemented without tricks, because of mask (depth f.e.) and light vector required. SSAO also can't be done, because it's not just multipass effect, it's absolutely separated passes and only very low quality tricky methods of it's implementation may allow to do with current shaders, adding external shader support for this effect will be much better idea.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

ENBSeries wrote:Light shaft can't be implemented without tricks, because of mask (depth f.e.) and light vector required. SSAO also can't be done, because it's not just multipass effect, it's absolutely separated passes and only very low quality tricky methods of it's implementation may allow to do with current shaders, adding external shader support for this effect will be much better idea.
As I understand games like IV, skyrim, Fallout has external shader support for such effects?
Adding such feature for SA seems to be way too much complicated extra for such old game and requires very good coding skills..

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

But If I'm correct, GTASA ENB already has SSAO...

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

I tried it out on Serious Sam HD :TFE ,Looks great :D (But i had to disable the hud since it affects the HUD)
Here are some pics


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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

icelaglace wrote:But If I'm correct, GTASA ENB already has SSAO...
Yes it's true, but it's not in very good quality (Even if it's configured well)
I thought it could be good to try new alternative which could look better and would not cost so big performance.

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

Looks good aksine.

Well, it's a 2004/5 game, it's still amazing how ENB made it beautiful when I look the thread.
It's still an early version of ENB after all. I don't think Boris made the new SSAO/IL we use on his latest ENB at the time.
I thought NWO modded the dll to add new stuff? hybrid or something?

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

icelaglace wrote:Looks good aksine.

Well, it's a 2004/5 game, it's still amazing how ENB made it beautiful when I look the thread.
It's still an early version of ENB after all. I don't think Boris made the new SSAO/IL we use on his latest ENB at the time.
I thought NWO modded the dll to add new stuff? hybrid or something?
He edited Richard Burns Rally ENB and GTA SA v0075 ENB to run them both at same time, RBR enb was used for car reflections becouse they were better in SA, and usual SA ENB was used for shadows. (RBR enb wasnt supporting shadows in SA). These two ENB's allowed to use 2 effect.txt at same time...Hard to explain..

Basic extras for his hybrid were.
RBR reflections for SA.
2 effect.txts at same time.

Some might think I'm still messing around SA just becouse my PC is bad, it's not true. It's High-end.
I'm modding SA becouse I like push things over their limits. It's too easy for me to mod games like IV/Skyrim which already have great graphics... :)

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Re: Camera effects (Lens Distortion/Chromatic aberration)

Ivars wrote:
icelaglace wrote:Looks good aksine.

Well, it's a 2004/5 game, it's still amazing how ENB made it beautiful when I look the thread.
It's still an early version of ENB after all. I don't think Boris made the new SSAO/IL we use on his latest ENB at the time.
I thought NWO modded the dll to add new stuff? hybrid or something?
He edited Richard Burns Rally ENB and GTA SA v0075 ENB to run them both at same time, RBR enb was used for car reflections becouse they were better in SA, and usual SA ENB was used for shadows. (RBR enb wasnt supporting shadows in SA). These two ENB's allowed to use 2 effect.txt at same time...Hard to explain..
Basic extras for his hybrid were.
RBR reflections for SA.
2 effect.txts at same time.
Some might think I'm still messing around SA just becouse my PC is bad, it's not true. It's High-end.
I'm modding SA becouse I like push things over their limits. It's too easy for me to mod games like IV/Skyrim which already have great graphics... :)
Thanks iCE
NWO just hex edited the dlls so that two enb dlls( he added filepath also to make it a bit organised) could be run at the same time( One RBR 0075 for reflections , SA 0075 for shadows as ivars mentioned) allowing to use 2 effect.txt ,In fact you can edit several dlls to have as much 5 enb dlls running(I tried it out for fun ) and using 5 effect.txts
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