Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hey man have u got any news? Also i just wanna say your most recent config is great except i dont like how bright everything is when ur looking around with the sun facing you. Past about 3pm game time its ok coz u have to look up to see the sun but before then its quite annoying if im heading in a direction where the sun is facing me. Is there a way to change this

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

I also just wanted to add, that some places are far too dark. For e.g even if its midday outside some buildings are still dark inside. I went into a fort today and in the rooms i could barely see if there was actually any1 in the room while sneaking. Being dark in dungeons makes sense but even if im outside and i go into a shaded area it can be much darker even tho the sun is shining. Whilst in my house in Whiterun there is alot i can barely see especially in my bedroom i cant really see the tables/chairs at all.
Maybe we just have a very different setting for in-game brightness, could you post a pic of it please. If its not that are there any settings in the enb file i can fiddle with to change it?
No more ranting from me :D overall i still think ur ENB config is the best ive tried it really makes the game so immersive and i thnkyou for that!

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

benjanini: I've been away for at long time now. I had some serious pc problems. My new motherboard didn't work, had to send it in and shit..

Speaking of your bright and dark problems.. I kind of know about it. Or.. I know that it does not look the same on my home computer as it does on my work computer, so that's a big problem that I don't know how to solve. Monitor calibration looks about the same.

Anyways, I finally got my computer working again. So I will continue my enb config, with fresh eyes now that time has passed. I will make sure to post updates when they are worthy for sharing :)

And thanks for keeping an eye on this config :)
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Awesome nice to hear from you dude, i kinda fixed the too dark places by just keeping a torch on me at all times and it think i actually prefer it coz of the immersion. If u want ill upload sum screenshot of where i think its too bright.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Any kind of screenshots will be nice to watch :)

I won't be working too much on this config at the moment. I have too much family stuff to do. but stay tuned. I will do my best to share my lates config soon ;)
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Here are some screen shots. Also i have 1 showing the over darkness in the daytime.

This is the one showing how dark shadows are even at 1pm game time

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

That is definatly too dark, no doubt! It's not that dark on my pc.. I will send you my lates config in a few days ok, it would be nice it you could test that one out..

Status at the moment is, that I just bought an awesome 3DTV, and after playing Motorstorm in 3D I was blown away! so, now my mission is to complete uncharted 3.. In 3D :) Actually, I have SO many games gathered from the last year of playing skyrim ONLY, that I really need to complete some of those games or I'm getting stessed or something :)

I will still be working on my ENB setting (just even more slowly than before), and I'm also working on a few conjuration mods, as I'm not liking any of the conjuration mods out there. My character is a conjurer, som I'm making mods to improve that style of gameplay. It's awesome :)

Games I have bought, but not even unpacked yet are: Darksiders 2, Dark Souls, Uncharted 3, Borderlands 2, Skyward Sword, and a few more that I have forgotten. They are all pretty lenghty games, and running a family with two kids on the side is a huge challenge. I basically only have a few hours a day from around 22:00 to 0:00, and that's not alot of time to do all the things I want to do. Oh, and on the site, I'm working on this little FX heavy shortfilm about a guy getting eaten by a huge worm :D

And then there's all the other games coming out soon that I also really want to play, like Assassing Creed 3, Halo 4, Farcry 3, Bioshock Ifinity, Forza Horizons.

At least work is pretty relaxing at the moment, now that hitman is done.
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

I uploaded a new version.. check it out.. And please give some feedback :)

Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB BETA 42

Oh, and now that I look at those images again, they do look very close to what I have on my screen, except that last image.. So I am thinking that your monitor might be too dark? Have you tried other enbs to see if it match? or even vanilla?
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hey dude, i tried changing my monitor settings to some guys recommendation on the internet so i don't think its my monitor but it could be..
Take your time, family comes first :D
Ill try that config now, sweet!.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hey Kalicola, going to try out BETA 42 and try giving feedback/screenies. Thanks for continuing to work on this despite being undoubtedly busy with many things, really appreciate it. :D
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