Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

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Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

Hi, I have a problem which only occurs when I use an ENB in Skyrim. I get flickering, colored pixels/squares in a random part of the screen. When they appear there are always just a few of them in two small patches close to each other, but they are inconsistent in that they do not always show up. They seem to come and go, reappearing in various parts of the screen. I thought it was some kind of graphical glitch or artifact like you can get when your video card is overheated, but I checked and my card never goes above 60° Celsius during load. So it cannot be overheating. For the record, it's a GTX 680 with 2 GB vram and an excellent cooler so it seems unlikely that it would have trouble keeping up with Skyrim, and my fps are consistently above 30 (usually above 50). I thought it might be a driver issue, but I have now tried three different nvidia drivers (now using the latest beta drivers) and the issue has remained, so I don't know.

Here's what it looks like:

Then, through some testing I managed to determine that this glitch only happens when I use an ENB. Without ENB, it never shows. So possibly it's some specific ENB setting that could neutralize this problem for me. The two ENB presets I've tried are Project ENB and The Wilds ENB, both based on ENB v0.119. So, since I know very little about this stuff and would prefer not doing trial and error with every single ENB feature, I thought I would ask the knowledgeable folks here if you have seen a similar glitch or have any idea what might be causing it? Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

I've this kind of artifacts from 0.123 version, expecially on shiny surfaces like stones on roads or in bright surfaces like windows at night. Reverted back to 0.121 (or 0.122) and no artifacts appear.

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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

Wrong (too high?) settings for reflections and/or specular?

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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

Have you tried resetting the Nvidia driver profile for Skyrim to make sure you're not forcing anything nasty?

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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

I've AMD HD6850 with CCC 12.11 drivers.
To completely remove the artifacts I must set direct specularity to 0. I'm making a bit overbrighter ENB config but I tweak more the enbeffect.fx (classic file, not the HD6 or something else) instead of enbseries.ini.
I repeat: artifacts are only with v0.123 only

* edit *

This is the image with 0.122 ENB: ... =960%2C600

When I use the 0.123 ENB I get artifacts to the stones of the road on the bridge.

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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

Allright :)
Tonight I'll try it with a HD6 enbeffect.fx too


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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

Sorry, I removed my post until I could test the issue :lol:

Thanks for the clarification, it looks like I skimmed through your response too quickly in the morning.

Actually, now that I thought about it I remember that I've seen a somewhat similar issue with flames (campfire flames to be exact) - it looks like the colour is not correctly clamped and gets incorrect values when the intensity goes too high. I originally thought it was due to my own code, but I just removed all my custom stuff and found out that it happens otherwise too with my enbeffect.fx. I haven't checked with the default non-customized ENB files yet, but I guess the issue doesn't happen with them, otherwise there would have been more reports. I'm on Nvidia, so the hardware doesn't seem to matter.


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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

I saw. However if you set to 0 the direct specular param (try the day param), the artifacts disappear. I think it is related to the new reflections feature.

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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

Actually, I think the issue disappears if you tone down whatever is getting too high in intensity. In my case above I can make it go away by lowering fire intensity.

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Re: Graphical artifacts when playing Skyrim with an ENB

Don't touch intensities, the issue with mixing math where transparent and non transparent objects meets ssao and some other effects, this will be fixed.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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