Tell me about it. I've been trying to find that light brown and tan wolf retexture since I re-installed Skyrim - the kind of mod so many people use because the base black wolf is so bad, but isn't named something convenient like "Wolf Retexture"! I love the new direction of your ENB though, even if it is a mashup of sorts. The Rift looks gorgeous with all that red!eldyraen wrote:Going through textures again finding the 'right' ones for me as haven't done it in a while (I lost one that removed/darkened red tundra though which makes me sad... finding lost mods is a pain).
@Kalicola: I love that sun! That glaze makes the province look chilly even in full-on sunlight. Really fitting!
@Far327: This image below is stunning. It might just be me, but I think the shadows in your other shots are slightly too dark. Whereas this one looks incredibly life-like. They're all amazing shots though!