TES Skyrim 0.126

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

No changes to sss code made by me (at all), only texture of sss factor modified. What else game doing is total bugthesda shit which can't be called sss, including illumination in shadows. I don't like to discuss game bugs and to fix them too, so stop please, i will not do anything by request.

I still don't know what you mean, the problem can't be reproduced by me. If i remember, you mention some time ago about interior setting applied to exterior, if it's true, why then to ask if it's some other mod issue?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

SSS does have some big problems with light, but this is a texture dependent problem, not ENB. I see it on my character, using a 'sweaty' skin. I have to turn SSSPowerDay/Night/Interior down (0.10-0.30) otherwise my character will look orange lmao.
At first I thought it was PointLight and DirectLight as changing these did change the intensity of the color and tone, but it is really how these affect the SSS maps. You can see it on other items as well. Put settings to the extreme, and you can see them all over the screen.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8364/8310 ... a96b_o.jpg
Same skin, with lower settings. Turn Power down, not multiplier, for good effect.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8504/8308 ... dcc7_o.jpg

Screens for Boris and Mindflux, this is inside the Companions' building in Whiterun. SkyLighting Enabled/Disabled
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8224/8310 ... da31_o.jpg
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8083/8309 ... c92c_o.jpg
Last edited by chan on 26 Dec 2012, 12:58, edited 1 time in total.
Chan ENB

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

ENBSeries wrote:jonwd7
No changes to sss code made by me (at all), only texture of sss factor modified. What else game doing is total bugthesda shit which can't be called sss, including illumination in shadows. I don't like to discuss game bugs and to fix them too, so stop please, i will not do anything by request.
I know this is your usual response, and indeed a lot of what Bethesda does is buggy, but when implementing SSS yourself, you chose to use the "Soft Lighting" shader, in essence replacing it. The issue is that the "Soft Lighting" shader is applied to all kinds of things which don't need SSS. My point is that you could be using another less used shader flag like "Back Lighting" or the unused shader slots to implement SSS. Just don't blame Bethesda for that, because you implemented SSS in this way. And there is STILL the Soft Lighting effect value as I pointed out in the NIF, this should be pretty easy to find since the engine must expose the value to the shader code.

It's clearly your prerogative to implement a fix or not. No need to state it. But in the past you have implemented several things that were brought up by "request". I myself brought up the reflections and also changing INI values from in game, and many people are likely very thankful for that, me included.

Sorry if you don't like being disagreed with, truly. I am just trying to point out that there is a Soft Lighting value in the shader that you hijacked to implement SSS. I have changed that value to 1.0, 10.0, 100.0 and it makes no difference with ENB enabled. I have messed with the Soft Lighting shader on NIFs in the past, and I know that this value works. If you don't want to plug this value into the SSS computations, that's your choice. It would just be nice to have per-object SSS power.
chan wrote:Put settings to the extreme, and you can see them all over the screen.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8364/8310 ... a96b_o.jpg
It's just because the SSS does not seem to take shadows or ambient light into account. I know when I stand in an area with skylighting shadows, my face glows orange from the SSS.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

jonwd7 wrote:It's just because the SSS does not seem to take shadows or ambient light into account. I know when I stand in an area with skylighting shadows, my face glows orange from the SSS.
Same skin, with lower settings. Turn Power down, not multiplier, for good effect.
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8504/8308 ... dcc7_o.jpg
Chan ENB

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

jonwd7 wrote:
mindflux wrote:
jonwd7 wrote:The textures are not responsible for what receives SSS and what doesn't.
That goes without saying, but if I remember right some of the modded textures are already very bright by itself which might add to the problem. Anyway, interesting research.
It doesn't seem to make a difference.

Multiplier 1.0
Multiplier 5.8

Floral Overhaul
Multiplier 1.0
Multiplier 5.8

Anyway, I find I like skin at about 2.0 (not shown), but at 1.0 the trees are already a bit too bright for my taste, especially when they are in a shadow. The eyes are already way too glowy at 1.0.

I can fix that by turning off the Soft Lighting effect on the eye meshes at least. But that may also get rid of the glossiness in some regard.

Anyway, that's why I think a way should be figured to separate skin from foliage. The skin looks good at 2.0 and the vegetation looks good at < 1.0. Like I said there is already a value to use that is stored with the NIF data, but I don't know how the engine exposes this.
I have this same problem.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

Okay, say this the last time:
Subsurface scattering shader is the same in the game, i only changed texture color which used for amount of sss effect and it's color (for human skins it's pink-peach color mostly). When SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplier and SubSurfaceScatteringPower are set to 1, result is same as vanilla shader. If somebody don't like result, i don't care, it's not my fault and i won't be responsible for mistakes of game developers.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

ENBSeries wrote:jonwd7
Okay, say this the last time:
Subsurface scattering shader is the same in the game, i only changed texture color which used for amount of sss effect and it's color (for human skins it's pink-peach color mostly). When SubSurfaceScatteringMultiplier and SubSurfaceScatteringPower are set to 1, result is same as vanilla shader. If somebody don't like result, i don't care, it's not my fault and i won't be responsible for mistakes of game developers.
And I'll say it again: There is no "subsurface scattering" shader in game. There is a "soft lighting" shader, which does not at all work like SSS. The result is nothing like the vanilla shader, because when ENB is enabled the value that you can change in the NIF for the "soft lighting" strength no longer works. That means that instead of incorporating that data, you've replaced it. I'll state it as plainly as possible: The NIFs already include power/strength data for the "soft lighting" effect. You've done away with this since I can change it to any value and it no longer shows up in game. A bug which you have created, not Bethesda.

What "texture color"? The _SK textures? The diffuse textures for the humans are definitely not peach.

Using this texture makes sense, but do you? You still haven't explained what it is exactly your "subsurface scattering" does, because since it affects the skin and foliage so obviously it must do something different from the vanilla game. If you used the "_sk" texture, then it would be awfully easy to customize the fake SSS effect for plants and things.

But there are clearly some language barrier issues at work, so I give up on trying to argue this any further.

EDIT: OK, so I tested it out myself. Since I guess you don't actually dive too much into the actual game, modding, NifSkope, etc. maybe you did not even know that the _SK textures were the source.

Random Colors in the head _SK

Eye _SK Test ... Note that the eyes no longer glow at 1.0, and don't change in intensity at 5.8.

So, anything with "Soft Lighting" effect in game just needs a proper _SK texture.

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

Yes, the subsurface scattering colour is contained in the _sk texture - if the diffuse is black, no scattering applied.

I guess no one has tried to create _sk textures for foliage etc., but I guess it should be possible and not even too much work since you can most likely use the same file for all objects of certain type.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

Here is the one of the shaders with subsurface scattering modified by me, difference is only in

Code: Select all

mul r21.xyz, r4.xyz, r4.xyz
lrp r4.xyz, c221.w, r4.xyz, r21.xyz
mul r4.xyz, r4, c221.z

Code: Select all

// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.27.952.3022
// Parameters:
//   sampler2D DiffuseSampler;
//   float3 DirLightColor;
//   float3 DirLightDirection;
//   row_major float3x4 DirectionalAmbient;
//   float3 EmitColor;
//   float4 FogColor;
//   float2 LightingEffectParams;
//   float4 MaterialData;
//   sampler2D NormalSampler;
//   float3 PointLightColor;
//   float4 PointLightPosition;
//   sampler2D ShadowMaskSampler;
//   sampler2D SubSurfaceSampler;
//   float4 VPOSOffset;
// Registers:
//   Name                 Reg   Size
//   -------------------- ----- ----
//   DirectionalAmbient   c0       3
//   PointLightPosition   c3       1
//   PointLightColor      c4       1
//   DirLightDirection    c5       1
//   DirLightColor        c6       1
//   MaterialData         c7       1
//   EmitColor            c8       1
//   VPOSOffset           c9       1
//   LightingEffectParams c10      1
//   FogColor             c11      1
//   DiffuseSampler       s0       1
//   NormalSampler        s1       1
//   SubSurfaceSampler    s2       1
//   ShadowMaskSampler    s3       1
    def c12, 2, -1, 1, -3
    dcl_texcoord v0.xy
    dcl_texcoord4 v1.xyz
    dcl_texcoord1 v2.xyz
    dcl_texcoord2 v3.xyz
    dcl_texcoord3 v4.xyz
    dcl_color v5
    dcl_color1 v6
    dcl vPos.xy
    dcl_2d s0
    dcl_2d s1
    dcl_2d s2
    dcl_2d s3
    texld r0, v0, s0
    mul r0.w, r0.w, c7.z
    mul_pp oC0.w, r0.w, v5.w
    texld r1, v0, s1
    mad r1.xyz, r1, c12.x, c12.y
    dp3 r2.x, v2, r1
    dp3 r2.y, v3, r1
    dp3 r2.z, v4, r1
    nrm r1.xyz, r2
    add r2.xyz, c3, -v1
    dp3 r0.w, r1, r2
    mov_sat r2.w, r0.w
    add r0.w, r0.w, c10.x
    mad r3.x, r2.w, -c12.x, -c12.w
    mul r2.w, r2.w, r2.w
    mul r2.w, r2.w, r3.x
    mov r3.z, c12.z
    add r3.x, r3.z, c10.x
    rcp r3.x, r3.x
    mul_sat r0.w, r0.w, r3.x
    mad r3.y, r0.w, -c12.x, -c12.w
    mul r0.w, r0.w, r0.w
    mad_sat r0.w, r3.y, r0.w, -r2.w
    mul r3.yzw, r0.w, c4.xxyz
    texld r4, v0, s2
mul r21.xyz, r4.xyz, r4.xyz
lrp r4.xyz, c221.w, r4.xyz, r21.xyz
mul r4.xyz, r4, c221.z
    mul r3.yzw, r3, r4.xxyz
    dp3 r0.w, r2, r2
    rsq r0.w, r0.w
    mul r2.xyz, r0.w, r2
    rcp r0.w, r0.w
    dp3_sat r2.x, r1, r2
    mad r2.xyz, c4, r2.x, r3.yzww
    dp3 r2.w, r1, c5
    add r3.y, r2.w, c10.x
    mov_sat r2.w, r2.w
    mul_sat r3.x, r3.x, r3.y
    mad r3.y, r3.x, -c12.x, -c12.w
    mul r3.x, r3.x, r3.x
    mad r3.z, r2.w, -c12.x, -c12.w
    mul r3.w, r2.w, r2.w
    mul r3.z, r3.w, r3.z
    mad_sat r3.x, r3.y, r3.x, -r3.z
    mul r3.xyz, r3.x, c6
    mul r3.xyz, r4, r3
    mad r4.xy, vPos, c9, c9.zwzw
    texld r4, r4, s3
    mul r4.xyz, r4.x, c6
    mad r3.xyz, r4, r2.w, r3
    rcp r2.w, c3.w
    mul_sat r0.w, r0.w, r2.w
    mad r0.w, r0.w, -r0.w, c12.z
    mad r2.xyz, r2, r0.w, r3
    mov r1.w, c12.z
    dp4 r3.x, c0, r1
    dp4 r3.y, c1, r1
    dp4 r3.z, c2, r1
    add r1.xyz, r3, c8
    add r1.xyz, r2, r1
    mul r0.xyz, r0, r1
    mul r1.xyz, r0, v5
    mov r2.xyz, v5
    mad r0.xyz, r0, -r2, v6
    mad r0.xyz, v6.w, r0, r1
    mul_pp oC0.xyz, r0, c11.w

here is the shots of that damn texture on skin, first picture with modified body (don't remember which one, Calente or UDBD or how they are called), second one is vanilla game


If modders don't know what they are doing and game developers too, it's not my problem and not ENBSeries mod.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

Is there a way to use the GUI without moving the game camera around/attacking?
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