Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Just wanted to drop by and say that imo the decision to rebuild your preset on ENB Evolved was the right thing to do. I am really looking forward to it as i think its a great foundation for building ENB's but it was largely unnoticed around here because of the initial work required. As i understand it ENB Evolved didnt just tidy up the code and added DNI separation but also signifficantly expanded on the shaders.

Happy Cristmas!
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

irishblood80: It's really hard to say. It will be very close to my beta releases. I'm am really trying to close it down and release on nexus soon. Only, family and work is taking way too much of my time really.. I'm afraid you just have to be patient. But again, it wont look too different from my betas.

Samurai_Smartie: Thanks. I agree. Enb evolved is way underrated!
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hi Kalicola! I love your ENB, but was wondering if there was any way to turn down the haziness/blurriness from bloom? I tried just turning down the bloom itself but it looks rather gross, as you mentioned before.

I think it would likely be something in enbeffect.txt but I've no idea where to start! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

I see that your current Beta 63 is based off my Seasons of Skyrim ENB template, nice job so far. And I wish you the best of luck on your rebuild using the SkyRealism functions.


I believe that haziness is caused by a very low brightness value in the enbeffect.fx file. Open it up with notepad and search for this line of code:

float4 uctbrt1 = float4( 0.30, 0.30, 0.35, 0.35 ); // Brightness Night, Day (Alters before contrast adjustment)

The second set of values are what need to be changed, try 0.50 for both (that would be a safe minimum in my opinion). I've noticed that when they are set very low it will give the game a "soft" look, which can look good, but can also make the configuration extremely difficult to work with. Hence the reason why I use higher values with my latest v2.x of Seasons of Skyrim ENB.

You may also want to do the same for the next line of code (the second set of values once again):

float4 uctbrt2 = float4( 0.30, 0.30, 0.45, 0.45 ); // Brightness Night, Day (Alters after contrast adjustment)

The contrast and adaptation values in the POSTPROCESS 2 section will need to be adjusted to compensate for these changes.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

element wrote:2shared link works, but download button seems to do nothing at all.
try here - http://www.mediafire.com/?etxmy8yvp9119

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

majaiku: Try my lates Beta here, maybe the haziness is better? but it's a matter of turning down bloom, and then bring the brightness back up in enbeffect.ini, but in my oppinion it give a hard ugly look like vanilla if you ask me.. Bloom is definatly the key to make skyrim look good I think. Every ENB I try that has that rough look by low bloom, I almost stop playing it imidiatly. I just don't like that look.

Beta 75
http://www.2shared.com/file/UC7DUvmB/75 ... hics_.html

Remember to turn what ever Anti Aliasing you have running off. this one uses 0.130 with build in AA

Bronze316: Thanks. I feel bad about not giving you credit for using your enb as a base (but I think I did when I switched to yours back then). But I kind of lost track along the way as to which files belongs to who, I switched alot and tried all kinds of different combinations.. I Must say that Seasons of Skyrim is the one ENB that I instantly loved the first time I tried it. Most other ENBs I try is getting removed within 10 seconds of play, they just don't look like the screenshots. Your do. Seasons of Skyrim and Stakado's are my favorites so far.. I did switch to SkyRealism, cause I had some problems with dark mountains during foggy weather, that I couldn't fix, and I had a wierd pixel ghost outline, and bloom was allower the place. SkyRealism, seems to fix my problems, by letting me work from a vanilla setting where everything is perfectly ballanced, and that's a relief. But unfortunatly it comes with it's own problems, like adaptation is broken and is unusable, and that's a big problem to me.. So I'm a bit torn. I might contact the dude behind it, and see if he knows the problem.. Anyways, thanks for letting me use your base to create my own, it rocks :)
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Wow! I love the new setup! I had to turn down some of the lighting for interiors but otherwise it's fantastic.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Thanks. Yeah, I'm still working on interior, and nights for that matter. But we're getting there :)
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hey Kali, made an account just to write this.

I have been following your presets for awhile now (lurker :? ), and aside from nights and interiors being a tad bright for my tastes; I think the 75beta is wonderful. The deep blue sky is amazing, and the colors are obviously enhanced but not overdone. The current version is my favorite by far, and it runs fantastic with SSAO/SSIL.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB


Thank you! That's quite alright, it's actually a compliment to my efforts that you decided to use one of my ENB's as a starting point. :)

Ironically, the SkyRealism ENB is what I originally wanted the game to look like when it came out in November 2011, but it's a shame that it came out too late for most. The art of ENB tweaking has evolved as much as the code behind it. I wonder what we'll have by the end of the year! Keep trying and you'll succeed at what you're looking for. ;)
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