TES Skyrim 0.143

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

SSAO and SSIL are my favourite features please dont leave them out. SMAA does the job just fine ;)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143




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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

I know that Vampires are undead, but I wouldn't quite class them as vegatables just yet...


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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

I sense the beginnings of a petition forming.

We love the SSAO/SSIL and if I had a better video card I would love to use the reflections during actual gameplay. Please reconsider. :)

Regardless of your decision, we will gladly follow along.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

I was getting really nice SSAO/SSIL effects in 141, but the indirect lighting disappears completely in 143.

Here are my settings:

Don't know what might be going on with it.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

I know I mentioned that SSAO performance took a hit around 0.141 release, but by no means would I want the ENB project to loose SSAO or return the former. I also use reflections and think it's a great addition! I think it would be a shame for the project to digress to a previous state. For people that want the older style ENB, they can use v0.119. It's still a great version with it's own positive and negatives. But to back track would be the opposite of progress.

Would it be okay if we could vote?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

GradientIntensityInteriorDay/Night when your in a cave and you can see the sky above you through cracks.
In the caves i don't see sky, there is only fake geometry + fake sun as sprite. May be this depends from scene, but haven't found enough caves for testing, all the same for me (tfc helps to see if sky present).
The AMD card which i bought is fine (except it's performance, hd6450), the problem is that in the past for other mods i spend too much life of pci-e16 slot to swap videocards for testing and my pretty stable old pc do not work right now if i install another card. It's very frustrating when you plug in and it won't boot, then unplug and plug in again and again and again, it's work, but in games after some time produce bugs, bsods, crashes and again trying to unplug/plug damn videocard. Better i'll stay with my current pc while i can.

With antialiasing enabled reflections and ssao disabled. Reflections can't work at all. Ambient occlusions may, but i hate triangulation artifacts of 0.119 version and there is no sense to enable low quality ssao because of antialiasing, this is silly.

Correct supersampling need a lot of time to debug it. To force huge display resolution is simple, but rescaling game menus is ugly and perhaps unplayable at all with micro texts, so i'd like to avoid simple way.

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I expected that. But don't know why this happed for vampires, may be game bug? Because vegeta applied only to those objects which have tree parameters and wind (i don't think that vampire should depends from wind when it's blow, right?)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

Forgot to say, new ssao and ssil is less noisy than 0.143 and it's computation is the most closely approximated to software renders for computing incoming "lighting" from all previous mods. This have bad sides too, without high dynamic range of lighting harder to notice ssil, but probably later i'll add second type of ssao from old very versions, which use low dynamic range computations and good for vanilla game (it's from oblivion mod). Performance is 1.5 times slower than previous, but because of arithmetic only (no changed to amount of samples), so users with modern videocards should not see any problems (mine have only 64 unified shader modules). In the future i'll stay with new ssao only improving it's performance, precision for small details and mixing code changes.
Working on reflections now, experimenting with antialiasing tricks.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

ENBSeries wrote:Correct supersampling need a lot of time to debug it. To force huge display resolution is simple, but rescaling game menus is ugly and perhaps unplayable at all with micro texts, so i'd like to avoid simple way.
Actually if you use Immersive Hud the scaling issue which appears on menus is non existent. I had the menus issue as well until I installed Immersive Hud

I typically downsample to 3360x2100 and have no menu issues anymore!!

Try it out :)

P.S. unless we are talking about two different things... than my apologies.
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