TES Skyrim 0.143

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

Isn't it "just a simple" edit like Mindflux has going on, changing some stuff in the .nif files or deactivate and activate some stuff inside it to alter which settings it will be affected by?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

evok99 et.al.
I added a quick fix for a couple of blowing snow objects, available at my sig as always. There's also some stuff from yesterday to fix a few types of water splashes + Windhelm towers. If you still see a blowing snow type of object that doesn't react correctly, please report and supply me with the exact location.

Basically it goes like that, but finding all the affected objects will be quite a hurdle. It's also all too easy to make mistakes while editing so it would be good to see every object in-game before and after changes, that's what I always do anyway to prevent creating accidental bugs. If there are only a few affected objects then it's certainly in the realm of reality to just fix them. Unreal Warfare probably know best if he's done some testing.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

Yes I understand that it will take some effort to find all the pieces that are affected, bethesda wasn't very much of organizing the files or naming them properly atleast not all of them.

I've been down that road trying to find textures inside the .BSA files and it is a pain in the you-know-what. It is and does take some trial & error before one will be able to release it for public use.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

Mindflux can you shed some light about the changes youre doing in the nif files? Wheres the bug?
"Jon Battle-Born: You know whats wrong with Skyrim these days? Everyone is obsessed with breasts"

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

Samurai_Smartie wrote:Mindflux can you shed some light about the changes youre doing in the nif files? Wheres the bug?
I'm guessing but likely to do with Own Emit related variables, but just guessing.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

25 january 2013 Many users don't use reflection and ssao/ssil effects, so i'll restore hardware antialiasing in next version for TES Skyrim.
WTF Boris? You better not remove those. Make a poor version for the peasants.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

Sure, it's not really rocket science. For the 'particle' objects, basically I'm just going over the nodes and making sure the appropriate nodes have correct alpha blending and shader properties, as any errors will most likely mean that the object is affected by a wrong category in enbseries.ini. It looks like the developers were pretty hapless on how they set up the properties as there are many objects that have their alpha blending properties mismatched, e.g. one part of the flame is using standard and the other part additive blending. I guess they bugs were not caught in QA because they are not outright visible in the vanilla game.

As for the other objects, it depends on the object and the issue. Some have, again, incorrect shader properties, missing flags, or like often is the case, simply too huge specular, glossiness or emission (what Dinkledorf already referred to) intensities.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

Johnny5srv wrote:
25 january 2013 Many users don't use reflection and ssao/ssil effects, so i'll restore hardware antialiasing in next version for TES Skyrim.
WTF Boris? You better not remove those. Make a poor version for the peasants.

Maybe Russian joke doesn't work in English.

Thank you for this binary Boris. I will try tomorrow. Too much time traveling, no time to play :)
Chan ENB

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

so hardware aa suport is coming back? or was that a joke?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.143

I guess it's a good thing that Boris decided to add a switch for the old daytime detector method. I decided to get back to weather modding and realized that the new method is probably not going to work very well in all situations since in some (or even most?) weathers the horizon is at its brightest at dawn, possibly because of a poor man's Rayleigh scattering imitation. Maybe it's not going to make much of a difference, but if you're wondering why dawns are so brights, that's probably why.

Other than that, I finally moved over to 0.143 and after getting used to the new ssao/ssil, the first impressions are very positive. It is indeed more performance hungry than the last method, but so far it also looks far more realistic. Just beautiful. Very much looking forward to the next version with hopefully more optimized code, not really looking for more performance, but quality and filtering in particular.
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