TES Skyrim 0.144

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

chidosity wrote: This is your project, and you do it for your own reasons, with your own motivations, but don't delude yourself into thinking nobody cares.

Seems to me you've found yourself at the edge of a black-hole of tedium. You've taken your ssao very far, but now you are confronted with a mountain of work for very little gain. Maybe your perfectionism is getting the better of you. The SSAO isn't perfect, but it's good enough for right now, isn't it? Maybe shelf this aspect of the project for a while and find something a little more exciting to delve into. You have been on a rather manic code-writing frenzy lately. All this time spent modding games. Do you ever take the time to actually play them?

Words of wisdom.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

ENBSeries wrote:Wolfstryder
Only for budget videocards or supersampling at huge resolution versions after 0.119 are slower like you said (don't know base fps to compare with). Even changes in almost all shaders can't affect performance so much. Turn off detailed shadows, shadowqualityfix, bilateral filter and restart the game.
I don't have a budget videocard. At least my wallet doesn't think so. I can play all the games I've tried maxed out, Far Cry 3, etc. ENB 119 played fine. ENB 143, 144 however destroys my fps, even in interiors. Strange thing is it seems the smaller the interior is the worse it gets. For example the alchemy shop in Whiterun. With enb 119 I would get between 45-60 fps. With enb 144 I get 20-30. I don't use reflections so there no supersampling going on. I've tried turning all fx off, different videocard driver versions, reset my Skyrim inis, and even uninstalled some mods. Performance stays the same. I'll keep trying but I don't see any resolution on my end. Go on, you can tell me, you just hate Radeons right? :(

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

I don't care about Radeons, not hate them. Why performance is low, that's not what i can say, may be game change something in rendering. Interior performance mostly decrease because of detailed shadows, for each light which have shadow it's computed (in exterior mostly 1 light - sun). And when you look closer on some objects, quality of detailed shadows increasing, so it's slower. But if you move away (about 3 meters), then performance should increase. As i said, UseDetailedShadows=false and restart the game will fix this, but as you say that tried that already, the only thing left is to reset skyrimprefs.ini/skyrim.ini values.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

Hi. Does your Radeon card have 1GB video memory? If yes, then you cannot run ENB in full force. Change SSAO sizescale/sourcetexturescale to 0.5 then see. Or maybe set quality values to 1. To run ENB in full quality mode with highly modded Skyrim, it will require a 2GB video memory equivalent card or SLI/Crossfire 2 x 1GB. Does not matter if it is nvidia or radeon i tested this.

And you also have to think about high res texture mods, because they eat up a lot of video memory. Then you have to think about all the other heavy script based mod because they will make CPU load and cause stutters - this can be fixed by ini edit. There are many other things that can make skyrim laggy or stutter except ENB.

P.S. - If you or anyone reading this have performance problems related to radeon cards, stop asking Boris and send me a PM. Seems like i am one of few who is successfully using ENB with radeon. Include specs. of computer in the PM.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

DigitalPrinceX wrote:Wolfstryder
Hi. Does your Radeon card have 1GB video memory? If yes, then you cannot run ENB in full force. Change SSAO sizescale/sourcetexturescale to 0.5 then see. Or maybe set quality values to 1. To run ENB in full quality mode with highly modded Skyrim, it will require a 2GB video memory equivalent card or SLI/Crossfire 2 x 1GB. Does not matter if it is nvidia or radeon i tested this.

And you also have to think about high res texture mods, because they eat up a lot of video memory. Then you have to think about all the other heavy script based mod because they will make CPU load and cause stutters - this can be fixed by ini edit. There are many other things that can make skyrim laggy or stutter except ENB.

P.S. - If you or anyone reading this have performance problems related to radeon cards, stop asking Boris and send me a PM. Seems like i am one of few who is successfully using ENB with radeon. Include specs. of computer in the PM.
I guess I wasn't making my point clear enough. ENB 143,144 is running way slower than ENB 119 for me. This is with SSAO on or off or all effects on or off.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

Wolfstryder wrote:I guess I wasn't making my point clear enough. ENB 143,144 is running way slower than ENB 119 for me. This is with SSAO on or off or all effects on or off.
What did i just write? Performance is not just related to ENB dll. It is also related to parameters, mods, ini configs. It is not so simple as copy+paste+overwrite new dll and see a change right away.
How am i supposed to give you a solution if you dont give me your PC spec, driver version, and maybe your enbseries.ini too.
Please send me a PM with those informations if you want a solution. Otherwise no one can help you anywhere.

Im trying to help radeon users because Boris doesnt use radeon and does not care. Please dont make it harder for me.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

DigitalPrinceX wrote:
What did i just write? Performance is not just related to ENB dll. It is also related to parameters, mods, ini configs. It is not so simple as copy+paste+overwrite new dll and see a change right away.
Call me crazy, but if I get good performance with one version of the ENB DLL, then change ENB versions but no other settings, mods, or ini settings, I'm likely to assume that any drop (or increase) in performance is caused by the new DLL as well.

There are pretty huge differences in the way that the .119 and .143/144 binaries work, and it's by no means unlikely that the deferred rendering in the post-.119 DLLs is what's causing the slowdowns.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

Turn on antialiasing and new version will work as 0.119, isn't that simpler to find out if it's binary issue?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

ENBSeries wrote:Wolfstryder
Only for budget videocards or supersampling at huge resolution versions after 0.119 are slower like you said (don't know base fps to compare with). Even changes in almost all shaders can't affect performance so much. Turn off detailed shadows, shadowqualityfix, bilateral filter and restart the game.

Don't need testing, nobody care, so why should i? Not playing the game, better will do something else instead of damn ssao.
Bloom code is not changed (and anything else color related).

Nobody cares? Grmph! Did you go to the nexus and added the downloads and endorsements of all the ENB presets offered there? I also guess you know, how often the files are downloaded from your server?

ENB has become the backbone of all Skyrim related graphical modding. You have been covered by several gaming magazines (printed) as well as gaming websites!

Keep up the good work! But more importantly, take your break if needed.

Endorsed :-)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.144

anaphiel wrote:
Call me crazy, but if I get good performance with one version of the ENB DLL, then change ENB versions but no other settings, mods, or ini settings, I'm likely to assume that any drop (or increase) in performance is caused by the new DLL as well.

There are pretty huge differences in the way that the .119 and .143/144 binaries work, and it's by no means unlikely that the deferred rendering in the post-.119 DLLs is what's causing the slowdowns.

Your not crazy, but it is often, and in this case definitely, not as simple as just a change in the dll. If you swap the dll's without making the recommended or necessary changes to your ini and fx files, then performance is likely to suffer, not simply because of the dll changed, but because of how the changes in the dll have effected the interaction between it and the other files that feed into it.

Performance of ENB is nearly always more impacted by what shader files you're using, much more so that anything Boris is doing to the dll, unless he specifically says so or there is some huge glaring bug that he overlooked, which in my experience is rare. He tends to find the big bugs long before any of us can bitch about them.
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