TES Skyrim 0.149

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149

To simply say i cant see AO change in interiors.
In that image 1 AOAmountInterior=10.0 (just to test)
But it looks like AO off like image 2

Exteriors everything working perfectly

Its the .149 dll from main downloads page. skyrim ini settings are ok.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149

ENBSeries wrote:
Code is unchanged long time ago for this and checked it again, no problems for me.
Ah my bad, I recently switched to old night/day detector, I hadn't tested inside since then.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149

I did tests of ssao in interior scenes only, so it work, for me.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149


You said on the news page that "Water is not yet modified in this version", for 0.148. What were you implementing? Applying the screen-space reflections to water by any chance? Or is this referring to the water shaders you said you'd modified?

I was recently looking at Crysis 3 graphics videos, and this video really highlights how nice proper reflections would be... Only sky and distant terrain reflect on Skyrim's water. Blending the screen-space reflections would diminish that terrible third-person horizon bug with the reflection map too.

Edit: Not sure if you ever saw my mockup before and after of what proper reflections could look like: http://imgur.com/a/LPsMk#0

And I think I asked about this before, but is it feasible to increase the limit on light count? Skyrim only allows 4 lights to be rendered at once which is pretty ridiculous. Most forward-rendered games at least have this limit set to 8 lights. I thought maybe other than it being hardcoded in the engine, the shaders only accept 4 lights, so it would require editing all the shaders to accept more lights. So maybe it's too much work to be worth doing... It's just that the light culling system is so terrible in Skyrim, and you can't add any lights to a scene without causing lights flickering on and off.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149

I don't have sources of the game and working in limits available, don't expect perfect water in such conditions, especially when based on very simple vanilla. What i'm planning is not always have incarnation, so better to keep silence unless will be 100% sure everything is working as expected.
Lights count with shadows limited to 4, non shadowed to 7 or 8, in placing tons of lights without shadows is awful, so i will not do this. To make shadowed lights without sources is very slow.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149

@jonwd7 Technically, the only light limits in Skyrim are: 4 shadow casting lights in the area (The size of the area is debatable, and scripts exist to "trick" the engine into having more than 4 shadow casting lights in an area), and maximum of 3-4 lights touching one object / texture. If either of those rules are broken, then you get light flickering (lights randomly turn on and off to compensate for the engine limitations, depending on character's view in-game)

Working with Realistic Lighting Overhaul has helped me test the limits of the engine. If the light objects' radius is small enough, you could have an almost unlimited amount of lights in 1 scene as long as only 4 are shadow casters, and no more then 3 lights touch the same object.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149


Right, but it's maddening how poor the light culling system is. Lights seem to disobey any occlusion planes/boxes, portals, multibounds. This makes lighting modding impossibly difficult. As you say, there are different scripting systems one can put in place to show more lights. I know all about this, and use stuff like this privately, and have a few of my own methods I should probably release as a resource...

Specifically, it is exactly the "only 4 lights touching one object" that I wish could be fixed. It's a ridiculously low number. Though the shadow-casting light culling is even worse. Non-shadow-casting lights at least seem to cull based on distance from the player. The shadow ones not so much.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.148

MaxTheUniqueGamer wrote:It's good to see that You're working on fixing things. I think that at the current state of project, we don't need more effects, only quality and stability.
Seconding this. Better performance would be great, or anything that allows us to make more performance trade offs.

Like turning off enbs improved shadows, but not all the dynamic shadows

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149

Ran into a slight issue with v0.149 with SSAO. I have bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in my config so that isn't it.


I don't know if you can tell from this crappy Youtube video, but the SSAO is showing through this bridge. This is in Castle Karstaag caverns in Soltheim. Not sure where else this might crop up, but I'm going to check some other ice caves with water and possibly Embershard Mines. It may be something about this particular model/texture, in which case I could probably extract them for testing if you like. Or maybe someone else might know how to fix it if it is a model thing and not within the scope of ENB.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... szc3HdUJPo

EDIT: Tried other AO and mixing types and they show it as well.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.149

This not depends from me, ask mindflux to fix that object.
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