TES Skyrim 0.152

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

I'll make video today. But rain textures are ignored and replaced, they can't make reflection and refraction, so this effect is on/off only.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

Agreed, regular mods can replace rain textures. What they can't do is add dynamic geometry culling.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

Signed up mostly to thank Boris for the remarkable ENB.
Been lurking and reading for a long while of all the fantastic upgrades.

And if I humbly could ask for a feature if possible.
Is it possible to add a configuration line in the settings with either text och an image overlay to show which settings are run?
Like a logo for the ENB or simple plain text.

If that takes to much time or effort I do understand.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

I don't understand.

On video rain looks not much noticable, so i did screenshots (can't compile beta, because using a lot of debug information, need time to convert to to usable for players). These shots ignore transparency because of motion blur, because colors are not tweaked to hdr and the rain drops will not be visible enough right now. Motion blur gives correct result, but don't think it's so much important and differ too much. Also these shots without rain antialiasing.

Image Image Image Image
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

@ Hrazmadul

If I understand corectly you want to have something showing you which effects is enabled in-game, or have I misinterpret your post? If so you have the GUI which you can enable by holding down Left Shift and then press Enter (The big Enter Button).

Du råkar inte vara svensk lr kan svenska? med tanke på "och" där i meningen :P

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

Yes I am Swedish.

What I wanted was a feature for developers of ENB configurations like "K-ENB" or "The Goddess" or "The Wild" to be able to create either their own logo that is displayed after your own text like "ENB Series 151" seconds later a fade in and a graphic logo for K-ENB or if graphic logo is too demanding maybe a text in the settings like

Displaytime=2 ;in seconds or millis whatever
LogoText=The Wilds version 1.9 beta 12

I just found it to be a nice feature, often I copy an ENB and the next day I forget which one I tried :P a logo or text would inform me what I have copied. And at the same time show off both your and peoples settings. I hope my explanation for what I wanted is ok.

Edit: Skåning, här. Hur kasst var det att skriva "och" då. :P
Last edited by Hrazmadul on 25 Feb 2013, 19:54, edited 2 times in total.

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

Samma här, Värmlänning ;)

Ok nu förstod jag ;) men tror inte Boris har lust med det eftersom du kan lika gärna skriva in lite text i .ini å .fx filerna som visar att det är din ENB mod folk använder. Som såh här t; ex;

// JENB Creations Default v4.0
// ENB v0.152

Men visst skulle dä va lite enklare å hålla reda på alla ENB mods med att få ett meddelande direkt i rutan så att säga.

English Translation for those wondering what I just said :P

Ok now I understood you ;) But I don't think Boris will add something like that when you can easily just type in some text in to the .ini and .fx files and it will show people which preset they use, like this for an example;

// JENB Creations Default v4.0
// ENB v0.152

But sure it would be easier to to keep track on all the presets with recieving a message on the screen.


Då vet jag, gött å kunna skriva på svenska här för omväxlings skull ;)

hehe, ja jag börja grönna (undra) lite när jag läste igenom meningen din å förväntade mig ett "and" lr "or" så kommer ett "och" in istället :P Lider av samma problem ibland fast i omvänd ordning. När jag skrev på Sweclockers förut blev det väldigt mycket svengelska :P Spenderar för mycket tid här på ENBDev, Skyrimnexus å Step forumet ;) hehe

@ jonwd7

I will update ENB Weather Extended to cover the DLC weathers as well, and after that I will implement EWE to Extended Realistic Lighting 3.4a and 3.5. Yeah I know I'm hung up with the word "Extended" :P hehe

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

Братиша, во-первых огромное тебе спасибо за то что ты делаешь! Скайрим просто преобразилса.
Скажи, пожалуйста, что именно отключается когда используется сглаживание фсаа из скайрим ланчера и сглаживание прозрачности из панели нвидии?
Спасбо огромное в любом случае, как говориться! -))

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

кингофсорроу wrote:ENBSeries
Братиша, во-первых огромное тебе спасибо за то что ты делаешь! Скайрим просто преобразилса.
Скажи, пожалуйста, что именно отключается когда используется сглаживание фсаа из скайрим ланчера и сглаживание прозрачности из панели нвидии?
Спасбо огромное в любом случае, как говориться! -))
This is the Google Translate copypasta of the above post:
Bro, first thank you very much for what you're doing! Skyrim just transformed.
Tell me, what exactly is disabled when using antialiasing fsaa of Skyrim launcher and anti-aliasing transparent panel of Nvidia?
Big thanks in any case! -)
Spasibo huge indeed, my brother.

edited by admin: fixed mistakes of translation

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.152

Ничего не отключается, мод как работал, так и работает. Если не касаемо мода, то сглаживание прозрачности должно влиять на волосы, листву деревьев, траву. А fxaa влияет на все и сразу, даже там где не надо (edge aa лучше вместо него использовать, результат тот же, но лишь где надо).
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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