TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

@symphonicjohn - outstanding looking config!
@jawz - seeing some differences but can't decide which looks best to me. I think Lauren put it best using temperature as a gauge.

Great shots everybody!

I have been experimenting with PP4 (albeit a quite heavily modified version). Very early stages of tweaking.






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Re: TES Skyrim


To my eyes, the second shot is a good middle ground between the two. However, I think the second shot has the most white glare on the stone walls which is bothersome. Too bright. The third shot, I don't care for the lighting as much, just preference though. The lighting is too white/blue. The first shot, I do like the vibrance, but overall the second one has a good balance of both. Just that brightness on the stone walls should be toned down IMO.
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Re: TES Skyrim

@JawZ- The imgur pics are easier to see the difference. Your version looks good, feels colder and more vibrant than vanilla I think. The shadows are a tiny bit too blue maybe? Looks like it might be from sweetfx??

@far327- Thanks! I know what you mean, it would be cool if someone designed a program that would automatically update your enb to a different config every 30 minutes in game or something. That would be pretty fun. And I agree, I would like to try symphonicjohn's config too :p

@Dinkledorf- Looks great! Never tried playing around with pp4 but now I might have to take a look :)

Some early morning shots in Riverwood.






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Re: TES Skyrim

far327: Thanks for the compliment and the advice. But I'm not like some of you here who have been tweaking for awhile and seem to know a lot. I am only starting out and simply used Countervibe enb ( not on Nexus anymore but can be found with a google search ) which was based on version 113 and I updated to 152. To fill in the blanks for the new settings since 113, I used the settings from Unreal Cinema and some things learned from the guides made by JawZ. But all the files, effects, etc. are all Countervibe's high quality settings.

I'll keep learning more and who knows how it will be after a lot more tweaking, but right now I couldn't release anything that's not even original. The ones who can do these configs from scratch are really impressive to me.

--JawZ--: No, the ones I couldn't tell a difference were the pics you posted here. I saw the ones in the gallery after I posted that. I can tell the difference with those pics...darker better shadows, better distant detail, better sky and I liked the way how light was affecting the scene over the vanilla pic :)

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Re: TES Skyrim

Great shots all and love the mods as well... I really can't wait to play around in a jungle ;)

I just can't balance my interior days with my color settings as well as I'd like but I'm still working on it. A few new tweaks (152 as just downloaded 153) for exterior.

I really can't decide on a fog value as settings aren't making it easy for me either (exterior day especially... nights are easy as I like the dark), but I still rather like near and mid distance at all times--its distance that's killing me off and on. Still haven't touched my skies while trying to get other stuff right first whenever I can find the time to tweak.


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Re: TES Skyrim

@ Far327

Which pictures are you refering to? You should look at the imgur gallery if you are not already refering to those as I have tweaked colors a bit more there.

As I mentioned the enb preset was configured without the use of ENB Weather Extended effects, and with the increased sun light RGB values which causes the direct lighting to appear stronger than with vanilla sun light RGB values.

@ joey4track

Still an early WIP Joey ;) but it is the colors I have used in the Directional Ambient/shadows not sweetfx. and this will change depending on how much saturation, contrast, gamma etc you use. And the cold look only appears in such winter landscape the colors react differently to different surfaces.

@ symphonicjohn

Ok good then you wont need that monitor calibration ;)

The adpatation hadn't kicked in all the way in the first shot so it was a bit darker than the vanilla image.

I will tweak the values and post some new comparison shots, with 2 more areas to show how the colors affect different surfaces. Bare in mind I am only using one weather (SkyrimClear) for these changes as of yet, and that is because I want to get a good balanced base before applying them to new weather types which I will need to apply new tweaks for to better blend in the new colors with the rest of the weathers look.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Unreal: Your characters keep getting better and better...very nice :)

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Re: TES Skyrim

-i start to play with enb because i cant find enb that i happy with it.

all of enb on nexus are very good but they dont config the way i want to see.

may be i like cartoon much more than real world . :lol: :lol:

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Re: TES Skyrim

@ Unreal

Really good looking characters with your ENB lighting

@ maload

Then start tweaking ;) It's not hard to start, it's hard to quit :lol:

I have updated the gallery with new pictures of the new tweaked EWE settings.


Still a bit too strong orange indirect lighting going on though, as you can see in the Riverwood picture.
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