TES Skyrim 0.155

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Can someone clue me in to what I'm doing wrong with my rain texture? If you look at the areas I circled, it's like the rain is passing through a shadow or something. And the area under that axe handle will move with my character as the character turns. I tried modeling what I did off of Boris' examples, but every variation I try does the same thing. All are in 32 px targa uncompressed 32 bit format, created in PS 6. Could it be the alpha layer? I really don't know.


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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

The rain textures created as alpha mask and normal separately in 3d studio max, don't think than in photoshop you can do normal maps for rain an easy, that's why that offset is so much visible (it should be visible, but not like that).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

mindflux wrote:Yersinia79
Flickering light sources especially with mods like Spells Give Off Light is a vanilla issue that's caused by an engine limitation of four shadow-casting light sources. Apparently, any face of a mesh can only be lit by four shadow-casters, and if more are present, there will be flickering. The only known work-around is to split the meshes by hand around the problematic areas, but as you can imagine, it's not a very practical solution. Don't really know why you'd experience this issue with Candlelight Spell, but it's possible if the spell gives off shadow-casting light.

Grrreat to hear you found my patch useful :D
Thank you very much for info, it was only around Proudspire yet so. Might be limited to that area, i dont know:)
ENBSeries wrote:Bilateral shadow filter developed for that users who don't touch skyrimprefs.ini, blame yourself for performance drops.
Ahh sorry for my sillyness. :oops: Alot new stuff, all input is welcome. Thank you for clearing that up, apology I made fuzz about it^^

PS: Now i feel even more silly, basicly it soften detail shadow edges for people that have not adjusted up iBlurDeferredShadowMask in skyrimprefs.ini to avoid hard shadows. @ iBlurDeferredShadowMask=6 - 7 it kinda look same. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but is iBlurDeferredShadowMask Guassian Blur? cause it seem to have the leaking shadow effect more then your filter:> Bilateral Filtered Shadow Maps leak less or my eyes messing with me or i missed a setting?^^

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

I have a small problem. As you can see in both picture during the night, when i activate ENB the night is bright and look more like the day

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/27 ... 27jiw.jpg/

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84 ... t28xv.jpg/

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Bilateral shadow filter is the best filtering method possible and it's not directly affect bluriness of shadow (except of too much passes). iBlurDeferredShadowMask MUST be 1 and this mean that shadow after computation as screen image is blurred twice, with bilateral filter i replace such blurring with edge-stop blur (to remove "glowing" on edges). Setting iBlurDeferredShadowMask to big values gust mean that computation of same blur code is done in more passes and performance dramatically decrease with little visual result. Bilateral filter is 1.5 times slower (when quality set to 0 then 3 times), that's why performance decrease very much (ssao cost same). Anyway, today i did protection against such setting and will release it in new version.

Download another preset for the mod, no sense to explain to new users how to make night darker as it's a lot parameters (or try in gui tweak parameters under [environment], as start).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Thank you for the correction ill sort it right away, I thought it looked better on than off :)
Looking forward to new versions^^

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

ENBSeries wrote:
Download another preset for the mod, no sense to explain to new users how to make night darker as it's a lot parameters (or try in gui tweak parameters under [environment], as start).

Any link to preset that could be usefull for me?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155


Go to the preset part of the forums or nexus and type in ENB in the search box and you will find a whole lot of ENB presets.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

ENBSeries wrote:Bilateral shadow filter is the best filtering method possible and it's not directly affect bluriness of shadow (except of too much passes). iBlurDeferredShadowMask MUST be 1 and this mean that shadow after computation as screen image is blurred twice, with bilateral filter i replace such blurring with edge-stop blur (to remove "glowing" on edges). Setting iBlurDeferredShadowMask to big values gust mean that computation of same blur code is done in more passes and performance dramatically decrease with little visual result. Bilateral filter is 1.5 times slower (when quality set to 0 then 3 times), that's why performance decrease very much (ssao cost same). Anyway, today i did protection against such setting and will release it in new version.
Thanks for the explanation :)

I'll set iBlurDeferredShadowMask to 1, it was set to 3 a long time ago, before using ENB profiles.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Ok I tried with iBlurDeferredShadowMask set to 1, shadows are sharper, in interior, when there is no dynamic shadows, I still get huge FPS drop, low CPU and low GPU usage.

If I use my torch with dynamic shadows, FPS and CPU/GPU usage are all going up, as usual.

Changing the shadow quality (and reloading the game) changes the performance, but not as worse as when there's no dynamic shadow in the scene.

Is there a "bug" with the Bilateral shadow filter when there's no dynamic shadow in the scene, only in interiors ?

It's not like the bilateral filter is gone if I use my torch with dynamic shadows, I can see the filter applied or not, and also the little GPU usage it adds on my two GTX 680.

Maybe it's a problem with SLI ? But it's weird that just this little option, that filters dynamic shadows, causes so much performance drop (and less CPU/GPU usage) when there's no dynamic shadow to filter.
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