Fallout: New Vegas

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Joined: 29 Jan 2013, 01:17

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Without adaptation it got even darker. :\


Here ya go, the whole thing! (It's under the New Version folder. And I might have missed some stuff, sorry.)
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Last edited by Rubber-De-Flubber on 19 Mar 2013, 02:29, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Ah, thanks so much. This is such a huge help to me. :D

edit: that is actually good news to me that it got darker because it means my adaptation is working correctly, probably just a matter of configuring the values then I think. If I come up with anything that looks similar to your original settings, I will share if you want.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Well, seeing as how the only thing that's mine in my ENB is my .ini tweaks, go right ahead! I don't mind. :)

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Just a few more shots of my tweaked Burning Mojave ENB. This time using the URWLified version of Nevada Skies instead of the regular version.

@rubber de flubber: I will be uploading my custom ENB shortly.












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Joined: 22 Feb 2013, 03:33

Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Okay Rubber de flubber, nothing was wrong with my code thankfully, it just needed the values changed a bit. I tried to get it as close to your enbeffect.fx as possible, but it will be slightly different due to inherent dissimilarities in the two post processing methods i think.

Here is a comparison.

In case you are interested, these are the values I changed to:

Code: Select all

   float	EBrightnessV6Day = 3.2;							
	float 	EIntensityContrastV6Day = 1.9;					
	float	EColorSaturationV6Day = 1.5; 					
	float 	HCompensateSatV6Day = 3.3;  	
	float  EHSVDesatCurveDay = 1.1;
Again, thanks for your help. Also I really like your config, but man you must have a beast of a PC to run the dof settings you use :D

edit: also sorry for offtopic fallout 3 post, my new vegas is having a crashing fit cause of some broken mod so I had to do it in fallout 3. I have tried the new values with your config in new vegas however and they are just as close to your original effects file as they are in fallout 3.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas


I'm currently using my dad's PC, which is more powerful than mine, as mine died recently. And even on my dad's computer the DoF drags the FPS down to 30. :P (It's just K ENB's enbeffectprepass.fx file with the DoF quality set to 5.)

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas


I know I've asked a few people this sort of question already, but if you don't mind, how did you write this file? As in, how did you learn how to write it? Simply curious is all. :)

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Well, I will admit I am not a professional coder at all, I am only 19 and I took a beginners C++ class in school two years ago and read a book or two. I never actually had training in HLSL, but since it is a C based language the syntax was fairly similar to C++ and wasn't too hard to get used to. I mainly learned from just looking over JawZ' files and various other bits and pieces of ENB files to see what other people were doing, and if there was a function I didn't know I looked it up on the Microsoft developer center.

I realized during the coding process that I had made the fatal mistake of not paying attention in geometry class (this became a problem when looking at dpeasants code using sin functions and pi), so I think I am a little disadvantaged compared to more educated coders. But I know the basics so it was enough to let me write this new method. I did it of course with loads of help from other coders, just without their knowledge. please make no mistake, I am not an experience coder or any kind of expert, so there is a good chance my code is very strange to a professional. :lol: But it was a very fun learning process for me and it still continues of course.

If you are interested in trying to learn, I am no teacher but I come from a noobish background so I can usually communicate effectively with other people who don't understand what they're doing just yet, like me :D

And thanks for asking, I don't mind sharing at all :)

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Thanks for the reply! I'm only 15 and learning C++ in school this year and noticed that the ENB code looked similar to it. :P Well, I guess I'll have to try and find out how to write in HLSL or something. :)

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

I wish you luck! Maybe someday you will make your own code contributions that are much better than mine! :D

edit: If you are going to learn HLSL, you will need an IDE that supports it if you want to know what is making code not work. They can be hard to find. I think the easiest one to use with the best features is nvidia FX composer, found here: https://developer.nvidia.com/fx-composer
It has fairly verbose compiler/debugger feedback, contains code samples with various high quality effects to learn from and has forums that can be helpful for learning the program or how to write shaders. It is a pretty easy install as well, I think all you need is that program but maybe you need the directx sdk as well. Hope this helps :)
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